Thursday, October 1, 2020

Vote in person this year

 Although I have been voting by mail for many years, I will vote in person this year for two reasons. 

First, I want my vote to be part of the vote count of the ballots cast on Election Day.  This is because we have a president who has already screamed from the rooftops that only the count on Election Day should determine the winner. And I want Election Day to produce overwhelming numbers against this criminal in chief. It could take days or weeks to count all of the mail in ballots because so many people don’t want to risk COVID19 on voting day. 

Second, we have a president screaming from the rooftops that mail in ballots will be treated as fraudulent, and I want there to be no chance that my vote gets thrown out or not counted.

This is not a choice between a Republican and a Democrat.  It is a choice between a fascist takeover of America or keeping American democracy alive. Trump is already promising to not leave office if he loses, and is already calling out to his armed right wing extremists to violently keep him on office.  These things are not supposed to happen in America, but my conservative friends put this authoritarian in the White House.  I guess they thought he was a Republican? Odd.