Friday, October 2, 2020

BIden gets a bump in the polls

Biden received a nice little bump after the debate. Before the debate on Tuesday he had a lead of 7.1% according to 538 – who will you vote for?  Biden 50.2% - Trump 43.2%. 

Yesterday, Thursday, just two days later, the estimate was 8.2% above – who will you vote for? Biden – 50.9% - Trump 42.7%.

Trump's performance at the debate was execrable. His only strategy is to be domineering, intimidating, frightening, aggressive, pulverizing. Someone wrote that debating Trump was like a master chess player playing a pigeon. All the pigeon does is knock over all the pieces on the board, shits on the board, and struts around like he won the match. That pretty well described the Tuesday night debate.

I think it is not possible for any Republican or conservative to drop below 34% approval in the national polls.  That is apparently the approval that Joe McCarthy got after his disgraceful fall that ended the three year assault of McCarthyism.  I don’t think that number has changed.  About 34% will vote for any Republican, will admire and applaud brutal bullying and domineering, admire and identify with the McCarthys and Trumps.

A signature moment in the debate was when Trump bragged about how his adoring Trumpsters showed up at his campaign rallies, maskless, on top of each other, breathing each other’s air.  Well, what do you know, Trump himself now has COVID-19.  Because he has led the unscientific crusade against masks and social distancing.  He himself is now the victim of his own deliberate ignorance and stupidity.  He really is not a smart man.

The Trumpsters adore Trump-the-Brute.  The rest of us are nauseated.