Friday, December 30, 2022

I have a dream for 2023

 I have a dream - that the Russian people will say NO to their pathological crazies. Just like the American people said no to our right wing crazies. Only the Russians can stop Putin and his cruel inner circle of crazies. It can be done. America said no to most of the election denier extremists running this November, severely crimping their planned fascist overthrow of American democracy. 

Some got elected in America, sadly, and will assault our democracy as best they can. The crazies will still be there and be repugnantly in the news - Jim Jordan and Rand Paul and Ted Cruz and Margery Taylor Green and Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham to who knows who all.  

 But I sincerely hope they just become a disgusting and embarrassing clown show that forces the Republican Party to override them and push them out of their obsessive need to control the Party and the country.

America has the tool of elections and the Russians don’t, but maybe pathological insane tyrants cannot hang on if they get crazy enough.  Maybe the people can find a way…

Monday, December 26, 2022

Hotter climate coming

 Apparently, the cooling effects of La Niña are fading and the warming effects of El Niño are coming. Not happy news.  Already the mighty Colorado river is dangerously low, with a reduction in hydropower and water for humans and agriculture at serious risk. And the Mightiest of all, the Mississippi is so low that its waterway transport of commerce is threatened. Here from the article:

 In 2023, the relentless increase in global heating will continue, bringing ever more disruptive weather that is the signature calling card of accelerating climate breakdown.   According to NASA, 2022 was one of the hottest years ever recorded on Earth. This is extraordinary, because the recurrent climate pattern across the tropical Pacific—known as ENSO (El Niño Southern Oscillation)—was in its cool phase. During this phase, called La Niña, the waters of the equatorial Pacific are noticeably cooler than normal, which influences weather patterns around the world.  One consequence of La Niña is that it helps keep a lid on global temperatures. This means that—despite the recent widespread heat waves, wildfires and droughts—we have actually been spared the worst. The scary thing is that this La Niña will end and eventually transition into the better-known El Niño, which sees the waters of the equatorial Pacific becoming much warmer. When it does, the extreme weather that has rampaged across our planet in 2021 and 2022 will pale into insignificance. … ”  Read more from WIRED here: El Niño is coming—and the world isn’t prepared

Tear down these statues

 West point is removing statues that honor confederate traitors and insurrectionists. Finally. 

The capital is finally removing a statue of Roger Taney, infamous Supreme Court Justice who wrote the dreaded Dred Scott decision declaring whites to be superior to blacks who were nothing more than property of whites  

There is hope for America.  Thank you  

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Criminal referrals to the DOJ

 Finally, a criminal referral from the January 6 Committee Tuesday.  A summary from PBS:

Criminal referrals for Trump
The committee concluded there is enough evidence to convict former President Trump and recommended that the Department of Justice make the following criminal charges:
  • Obstruction of an official proceeding. The “proceeding” being the Jan. 6 meeting of Congress itself.
  • Conspiracy to defraud the United States. The committee argued that this happened in multiple ways, including Trump’s lies about the 2020 election and then-Vice President Pence’s role in certification among other issues.
  • Conspiracy to knowingly make a false statement. The committee said Trump broke this statute by participating in a plot to submit fake slates of electors.
  • Assisting, aiding or comforting an insurrection. The committee believes Trump incited the U.S. Capitol attack, but notes he was impeached on that charge already. The report summary specifically concludes there is enough evidence to convict and, therefore, to charge Trump with “assisting, aiding or comforting” the insurrection. The focus here is on his actions as the attack unfolded — and his lack of action in not moving to stop it.
Prison please…

And, oh yes, “others”….

Prison please…

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Crypto scams

 It seems to me that Americans are especially susceptible to scams these days. Two that come to mind are cryptocurrency and NFTs. 

I have a written against crypto currencies many times in the past. My first big problem with them is that in a time of global warming and climate change, cryptocurrencies require huge, warehouses of computers, using enormous amounts of energy in order to make the system work. Most electrical power comes from fossil fuels which are major contributors to our climate crises. There is no need for any of this. Dollars and banks work just fine.

My second big problem with crypto currencies is that it is the preferred currency for drug cartels, money launderers, and criminals all around the world. Why? Because there is no government regulation looking at what is going on, and criminals love that, of course.

And now we see a third major reason to distrust cryptocurrencies, and it is that without regulation, without a government oversight, cryptocurrencies become natural vehicles for Ponzi Schemes. The FTX scam stole nearly $4 billion from investors – better thought of as victims. This Ponzi Scheme apparently dwarfs the previous record holder, Bernie Madoff, for evil. I personally have been the victim of a real estate Ponzi Scheme and I’m more sensitive than most to the terrible assault that these kinds of crimes are.

And then there are NFTs – non-fungible tokens. Apparently these also use Blockchain, so my problem with them starts with environmental damage caused by extraordinary needs for electrical power. And we recently had the former president offer a series of NFT “cards” available for $99 each. Having this lifelong criminal use NFTs as a way to scam his gullible cult is reason enough to be suspicious of their nature. Apparently his sale was quite successful, and does that mean that thousands of cult members paid out this money, or does it mean this was simply a way for him to get a hostile foreign power like China, Russia, or Saudi Arabia to give him vast sums of money?

We live in a time of great economic turmoil. So I suppose it is natural that scams and thieves come with the territory.

I believe in normal investments, using normal money, The United States dollar with government rules, regulations, audits, and oversight.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Too powerful to take down?

Is the Former Guy too powerful to face Justice?  Is he immune? Will he always get away with it?

Well, that is what everyone thought about Harvey Weinstein - in prison, and more convictions to come 

That’s what they thought about Jeffrey Epstein. And was arrested then killed himself in prison.  Same with his co-conspirator, Ghislaine Maxwell - in prison awaiting trial. 

That’s what they thought about Madoff - in prison.

That’s what Stewart Rhodes, head of the extremist Oath Keepers thought - convicted of Seditious Conspiracy.

That’s what they thought about Bill Cosby - prison and a ruined life. 

That’s what they thought about Qaddafi and Mussolini - beaten to death by their former subjects. 

That’s what they thought about Saddam Hussein - hanged. 

That’s what they thought about Goebbels and Hitler - killed themselves. 

They are too powerful - until they aren’t. 

The Former Guy is not immune. And the law is closing in. And he’s terrified. And he will destroy anything and anyone he can to save himself. I would not want to be his children, his lawyers, his employees, his Republican Party now. Watch out, for them, and for America, and American democracy.  

The forecast is incoming Ugly with storms of Crazy.

But I think he may be just a spent force, a one foot wave who thinks he is a fifty foot tsunami. 

Prison please. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Desperate call to overturn the Constitution

The Former Guy is feeling the law closing in on him from all sides, and in keeping with his poisonous pathological narcissistic nature he is now calling for his cult to overthrow the Constitution and make him king.

A massive fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution.”  And he repeats for the gazillionth time his preposterous lie that the 2020 election was stolen from his majestic self.

Actually, he is in severe danger of indictment for Seditious Conspiracy, for espionage for stealing top secret documents and hiding them, and for tax evasion and bank fraud. 

So, what is left for a psychopath to do except call for a violent coup - again?

And, by the way, Republicans are meeting this call to overthrow the government with - silence.  Silence?  

Are they declaring that the Republican Party is actually an autocratic fascistic party whose whole being is dedicated to forceful rule of a dictator and ignore the Rule of Law and the Constitution?

I expect this desperate raving will have little effect and the Gears of Justice will grind on, and this pathetic little man will shrink into the sunset, whining and whimpering. 

By the way, I wonder who wrote that for him?  It used kind of big words and the spelling and grammar were correct. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Please stop trying to colonize the moon and Mars

 Musk wants to colonize Mars.  NASA wants to colonize the moon. Please stop. I think these are not good ideas. Send robots. Send cameras. Send remote controlled laboratories. Human beings can only live on this earth. We need the earth’s 1G gravity. Otherwise human bones, hearts, and organs deteriorate and we die.

I understand the purpose of NASA is space exploration. I understand that human space exploration is more dramatic than robot exploration. I understand that dramatic  dreams raise more money. But please do not try to colonize extraterrestrial bodies. They cannot support human life.

There is so much to learn about outer space, and human beings do not belong there, but human exploration can proceed much better without trying to force the human body into unlivable conditions.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Rachel Maddow presents: Ultra - history you didn’t know

 Perhaps the most important book of the 20th Century was “Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn.  It gave witness to the truth that Soviet Communism was a murderous, barbaric totalitarian police state.  It destroyed the lies and propaganda that the radical left in America and Europe wanted to believe that Communism was flawed but essentially beneficial.  Horse shit.

Rachel Maddow has told the history of the America First political movement of the ‘30s and ‘40s in her “Ultra” podcast - eight episodes. This is perhaps the most important historical account in the 21st century so far. 

I had no knowledge of this history.  I thought it was just Americans wanting to stay out of the “European War”. Horse shit. 

That America First movement was a full on fascist, Nazi, pro-Hitler violent crusade to violently overthrow democracy in America and create a pro-Nazi, anti rule of law, anti-democratic, antisemitic tyranny in America.  These were not misguided peace loving isolationists.  These were white supremacist fascists in the pay of and in ideological agreement with the white supremacist Nazis and Hitler.  

America has a long history of white supremacist domination - from Manifest Destiny that destroyed Native Americans, to anti-Chinese bigotry in early California, too African American slavery in the Confederate states, to racist Jim Crow terror in the post-civil War South, to complicit indifference in the North, to current Republican Party voter suppression and overt racist political appeals today. 

The fascist white supremacist pro-Nazi America First attempt to overthrow America in the ‘30s and ‘40s is being re-enacted by today’s white supremacist pro-Putin MAGA Cult Republican Party today.

How did we stop it eighty years ago?  It took everything that America could muster to triumph - the courts, political opposition, investigative journalism, private personal exposes, and the American voters.  The rule of law was insufficient. As it is today. Political opposition was insufficient. As it is today. Journalistic exposure was insufficient. As it is today. Each element of exposure and opposition was insufficient.  It took the whole of American goodness and truth to stop American fascism and lies.   It was up to America to say no. All of the tools that American goodness could muster was required. 

We are called to do it again. Now. We will prevail because goodness and truth will prevail over fascism and lies. 

I firmly believe. 

It is worth the time to listen to this gripping history that we were never taught. Because it is repeating now. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Michael Gerson’s last article - thank you

In honor of the passing of conservative columnist, Michael Gerson, I want to post his last article in the Washington Post.  Gerson was a Christian in the finest sense, he labored to live a life based on Christ, not one in the grips of the very un-Christlike Christian movement.  I am a liberal, and am surprised that I cried upon hearing of the death by cancer of this conservative.  


What does the return of unvarnished racism to the center of our political culture mean?
The problem I’m highlighting is greater than former Los Angeles city councilwoman Nury Martinez’s racist comments against the city’s Black and Oaxacan communities — though they were bad enough. The tapes were leaked to hurt Martinez, not chosen by her as a political stratagem.
For decades, the Martinez model of scandal has been the (more or less) typical response to gaffe-revealed racism in both parties. Remember the case of Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) in late 2002, when he essentially endorsed Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-S.C.) 1948 Dixiecrat presidential campaign as a GOP ideal? Later, Lott dismissed his statement as an attempt to be “lighthearted.” Few got the joke. 

And Lott soon resigned his Senate leadership office.
Though I supported Lott’s resignation at the time, when I was a White House staffer, I assumed that many such statements by Republicans were blunders, rooted in ignorance. Many GOP officials took a view of history that praised the Emancipation Proclamation and affirmed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while essentially skipping over white supremacists’ Redemption policy, lynching, routine police brutality and the injustice of over-incarceration. Republicans sometimes committed career-ending acts by falling into a historical memory hole. But the general goodwill of the GOP on racial issues could still be broadly assumed.

This is among the worst errors of moral judgment I have made as a columnist. I tended to view bigotry as one of America’s defects or failures. The historical works I read often tried to defend the best elements of the American ideal as dramatically outweighing the worst moments of its application.

[Michael Gerson: I’m a conservative who believes systemic racism is real]

But no: The country was soiled by the sin of slavery from its birth. Many White people became wealthy by systematically stealing the wages and wealth of their Black neighbors. White Americans established a social and religious system designed to grant themselves dominance, often while trying to convince African Americans of God’s lower regard for their souls. Such systemic abuse could be found in North and South (though it was more heavy-handed in the South). Slaves were raped with impunity and murdered without consequence. And if someone in the North promulgated abolitionist ideas with too much effect, they could be targeted for bounties, beaten in the street or killed.

The conflict over constitutional protection for people with a different amount of melanin in their skin was the foundational test of American ideals. Many of the founders who supported slavery were the functional equivalent of terrorists: Maintain white superiority, they said, or we will blow up the whole system. Which they tried to do. An argument over political philosophy was settled only by a torrent of blood.

Yet it is still not fully resolved. Many in the South launched a successful campaign to secure white supremacy through states’ rights and Klannish violence. And many in the North were content with the appearance of equality as long as it did not include actual social equality. This consensus of White people in support of fallacious freedom was challenged by the civil rights movement, which asserted a comprehensive legal, political, social, educational and spiritual equality. The words of that movement — “Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood” — still echo. But the goals of that movement remain only partially fulfilled.

This is the environment into which the MAGA movement is pumping a toxic discharge of bigotry. Former president Donald Trump recently employed his own (supposedly) lighthearted treatment of racism’s cruelest epithet. “The n-word!” he told a campaign rally. “Do you know what the n-word is?” The crowd certainly did, when given permission to use it by Trump. “It’s — no, no, no. It’s the ‘nuclear’ word.” This was not a dog whistle; it was a Confederate trumpet.

During his last campaign, Trump warned suburban White women that “low-income housing would invade” their neighborhoods. Now he teases that he might run in 2024 “to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white.” Even using the language and argumentation of the playground, Trump does his damage. He implies that the institutions of American government are and should be White dominated. He directly defends the segregation of housing. He encourages the idea that minorities are aggressors against Whites.

And Trump effectively gives permission to other MAGA fools. “They want crime,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said about Democrats at a recent Trump rally. “They want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think the people that do the crime are owed that.”
In MAGA world, the incitement of white grievance is the strategy. Such appeals are inseparable from racism. And they reopen a wound that nearly killed the patient before. It is politics at its most pernicious.”

I will miss Michael Gerson. His Republican Party disappeared. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Republicans win the House of Representatives - ugly coming to a TV near you

 The real depths of right wing extremist ugliness won’t really dominate the House until the new House is in place, but it is going to be pretty ugly.  Revenge, false accusations and show trials on literally “Trumped Up Charges”, threats, calls for violence … the extremists will proudly strut their intimidating and authoritarian selves to the admiration of their Cult audience. 

And I believe America will turn away in disgust. 

The thing to notice will be False Parralels - things with a similar form but totally different substance.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Americans resist the fascist takeover of Congress

 It is not over yet, and both the House and the Senate are still in play, but it is clear that the expected "Red Wave" of extremist MAGA Cult candidates did not happen.

America is resisting the autocratic/authoritarian/white-supremacist/white-Christian-Nationalist/fascist takeover of the country.  

Thank you, young voters.

Thank you, women.

Thank you, moderates.

Thank you, Democrats.

It is worth reviewing how Biden became president.  On Super Tuesday 2020, I realized that in California the only candidates that would be recognized were those who got a minimum of 15% of the votes cast.  The only moderate who I was sure could reach the 15% threshold was Biden.  I would have preferred Buttigieg, but he was too far away.  And the only thing that counted was to defeat the autocratic Trump, so it was mandatory that Sanders or Warren not be the nominee.  So I voted for Biden.  Millions of Democratic primary voters across the country did the same thing, so the most electable moderate was nominated and won the presidency.

Nobody worships Biden.  There is not a Biden Cult.  Nobody is threatening poll workers in the name of Biden.  Or any other Democrats who ran and who won elections this November. 

Biden and Democrats are politicians, not demi-gods with cult worshippers.

Thank goodness.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Automaker genius

 Once upon a time there was a genius automaker who’s car revolutionized the world. 

His entrepreneurial success convinced him that his genius was needed to run the world during a chaotic time. So he set about communicating his genius to the world so as to save it from dark forces. 

His name was Henry Ford. He was a vicious bigot. He discovered and published the vile, antisemitic false and dangerous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” which falsely accused  Jews of heinous crimes and behavior. Because is his wealth and reputation as a genius the Protocols was published in many languages. One of those languages was German. Slaughter ensued. 

Oh, did you think the automotive genius that decided that his genius was needed to run the world was Elon Musk?  A different right wing fanatic?  Well, you may have been right. 

Nice cars. Dangerous right wingers with more influence than justified. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Autocratic tactics

 Trump and his MAGA Cult political candidates continuously claim election fraud prior to elections. This is just one of the standard autocrat/fascist/authoritarian tactics they use. It’s not not novel. It is standard operating procedure. Their goal is to destroy faith in elections so that their forceful rise to power is guaranteed. 

As one of the autocratic leaders, Roger Stone, was caught in camera saying - “Let’s skip the elections and go straight to the violence”

Democracy in America is at serious risk.  But I believe in America and I believe that this terrible threat will fail  

Thursday, November 3, 2022

What if they win?

 What if my conservative friends are deliriously happy about WINNING THE CULTURE WAR, and wake up to see that they lost

                         SOCIAL SECURITY 



                                          BIRTH CONTROL

                                                 FREE ELECTIONS 

                                                         RULE OF LAW


                                                                            FREE PRESS

                                                                    PERSONAL FREEDOM

But, they won the Culture War!  yippee!  They Owned the Libs!  Yahoo!




Industrial agriculture and climate change

 Meanwhile, back to ongoing disastrous Climate Change, here is from a report released by some of the largest corporate agricultural giants:

Food production is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity 

Agriculture is the world’s largest industry. Pasture and cropland occupy around 50% of the planet’s habitable land and uses about 70% of fresh water supplies

Small, local food systems still feed most of the people on the planet and the real threat is that the industrial system is expanding at the expense of the truly sustainable system.

It’s not just the fossil fuel industry driving us toward an uninhabitable planet. Industrial farming has fed billions and now needs to pivot to regenerative farming. 

The report is signed by Bayer, Mars, McCain Foods, McDonald’s, Mondelez, Olam, PepsiCo, Waitrose and others”

It is not just fossil fuels making parts of our world uninhabitable, industrial agriculture needs to pivot to regenerative farming  

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

“Ultra” podcast

 The “Ultra” podcast by Rachel Maddow is a shocking account of the America First political movement in the 1930s.  This white supremacist right wing violent movement supported Hitler and the Nazis, promoted and distributed Nazi propaganda, had deep ties to the Christian fanatics of that time, included many members of Congress, committed violence, threatened violence, and came close to overthrowing the American government. All in the name of despising “socialism” and liberal mores, and admiring the “manliness” of Hitler and the Nazis.  

We see it again today. Same political energies again today.  Same righteous paranoia and hate. 

She has done 5 podcasts so far and more to come. If you like to listen to podcasts while driving, walking, tinkering, etc. this one is worth tuning into.

Because we see it again —— today — in our own America First MAGA Cult. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Right wing extremist violence - "Where's Nancy?"

Right-Wing extremist violence has been evident ever since Trump rose to power and encouraged it.  It goes back to native American slaughters, slavery, and the Klu Klux Klan, and elsewhere, of course, but was most disturbing on the January 6 coup attempt by Trumpist fanatics that injured scores and killed a few.  The insurrectionists who broke into the Capitol that terrible day called out for V.P., Mike Pence, and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, with intent to kill.  It was not a joke. It was deadly serious, and people died.

And today, it is reported that one of the fanatics broke into Nancy Pelosi's home asking, "Where's Nancy", and proceeded to use a hammer to violently assault Nancy Pelosi's 82-year-old husband.

The threats of Right-Wing extremist violence are flooding our country, and this assault is a loud shout that violence is their chosen path.


How do we convince this Trump Cult that we are neighbors, not enemies?

(Update - the guy is apparently a QAnon, election denier, who said "Hitler did nothing wrong".  I'd like to write him off as a nutcase, but the delusions of election deniers and QAnon are widely held in today's delusional Republican Party.)  Sadly.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

They will do what they say they will

James Carville suggests this message to voters:

You thought Republicans wouldn’t actually outlaw abortion - 
          just like they said they would. 

You think the Republicans won’t close down the government until the Democrats allow them to end Social Security and Medicare - but they said they will 


         they will END SOCIAL SECURITY 
                and END MEDICARE -

                        Just like they say they will. 

Why?  Because they will be able to, and they have been trying to for DECADES, so THEY WILL - just like they say they will.

Welcome to the Right Wing extremists taking over your life. 


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Biden’s Demand Side Economics

How is the economy doing under Biden? Pretty darn good actually. According to historian Heather Cox Richardson:

Added 10 million jobs

Dropped unemployment to a 50 year low of 3.5%

Added 700,000 manufacturing jobs

Cut the deficit $1.4 trillion – the largest cut ever

Cut the deficit $350 billion the year before

Trump rose the deficit every year in office

Ever since Reagan, Republicans have grown the deficit and Democrats have shrunk it

Reagan – $70 - 175bb increase 

HW - to $300bb

Clinton - to ZERO

W - to $1.2 trillion

Trump - skyrocket 

Biden - biggest reduction ever

But we about inflation?  I don’t see how U.S. social and infrastructure spending caused 10% inflation in England and Germany. Inflation is a global response to the pandemic and the Putin war. 

I know facts have very little influence on dogmatic political beliefs that but they do matter. 

 I was a believer in Reagan’s supply side economics for a couple of decades.  But it really did not work to grow the economy and the middle class the way Bidens demand side economics does. Put money into the middle and lower classes and they spend it on the economy. Money going to the wealthy grows their wealth but doesn’t do much for the middle class or the economy. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

This is the Land of the Free - if we vote for it

 The Republican Party has clearly chosen to strip Americans of their personal freedoms. Freedom is on the ballot this election. 

  • Freedom to choose when to give birth - gone in many states, everywhere soon. 
  • Freedom to use contraception and birth control - on the chopping block 
  • Freedom to love and marry the same sex - on the chopping block
  • Freedom to marry another race - eventual target
  • Freedom to breathe fresh air - under constant attack
  • Freedom to have clean water - under constant attack
  • Freedom to read - going - book burning already
  • Freedom from religion - the Christian Taliban is taking over
  • Freedom for children to be safe in school - guns are more important than children
  • Freedom to earn a living wage - opposed for decades
  • Freedom from bankruptcy due to late life medical emergencies - profits above everything 
Freedom to vote - whites only is the goal

It’s not about taxes, or inflation, or immigration.  It’s about freedom. 

This is the Land of the Free.  But only if we vote for freedom

Monday, October 17, 2022

Trump’s limited tricks

 Maggie Habernan has her Trump book out - “Confidence Man: the Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America”. Apparently it is more about who he is and how he was formed than just a depressing chronicle of his time in office. I’m not sure I can stand to read 600 pages about this toxic person. But she lays out his surprisingly few tricks in the first few pages as to how he exploits the world around him:
  • The counter attack
  • The quick lie
  • The shift of blame
  • The distraction and misdirection 
  • The outburst of rage
  • The performative anger
  • The designed-just-for-headlines action or claim
  • The indecisiveness of masked by a compensatory lunge
  • The backbiting about one adviser with another adviser, creating a wedge between them
His current trick is his made-just-for-headlines-claim that he wants to testify publicly to the January 6 Committee. He will never testify but it somehow gives his Trump Cult comfort to make the claim. I don’t know why. 

Soon, I hope, this endlessly repetitive bore will go away. Prison would be nice. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

House of cards is collapsing

 The January 6 Committee gave its final presentation today.  New evidence from Secret Service’s complete knowledge of armed men threatening violence, with Trump fully aware of their threat, being sent by Trump to the Capitol with the intent of mayhem and overthrow. He knew. He relished it. They were obeying his wishes.

He planned ahead of time to declare himself the winner regardless of the outcome. 

He knew he had lost. 

He told the Big Lie. The gullible believe him. Sigh…

He is planning the same thing in two years (but will likely either be barred from office or in prison). 

He is being subpoenaed to testify before the Committee. He’ll play the victim, of course and pretend that cowardly refusing to testify will be an act of Manly Courage. 

He thinks he is invulnerable.  He’s not. 

Time for the make believe house of cards to collapse. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Authoritarian societies worship authoritarian tyrants

 In the late ‘40s, after the horrors of WWII, the great psychologist, Erich Fromm, wrote his seminal work “Escape from Freedom”.  He was trying to understand what the hell happened that created the German Nazis and thus the slaughters of the war, and what the hell happened that created the Russian Soviets who were at that time creating the Cold War.  His answers help explain some of today’s threats.

As I recall, his main conclusion was that authoritarian societies, and authoritarian upbringing of children, created countries easily embracing authoritarian leaders like Hitler and Stalin.  People were raised to be obedient, unimaginative, manipulated and bullied by dominant male hierarchical leaders. And so, in both Germany and Russia (and Italy and Japan too I suppose) tyrants rise to the top and created slavish, fanatical followers who placed all of their faith in the fierce, punishing, tyrannical father figures.  And, indeed, they gladly gave up their own individual identities to become identified with that domineering image and take it on as their own.  

This is scary stuff because it seems that Russia today has been taken over by their current punishing hyper-masculine leader who is on the brink of escalating his already horrific slaughters to unimaginable depths of depravity.  I am hoping, and counting on the people of Russia to be independent and free enough to resist Putin’s headlong charge into oblivion to stop his madness.

Where else is authoritarian society embracing authoritarian leadership?  Sadly, the American MAGA Cult, dressed in camouflage outfits, carrying AR15s, waving Confederate and American flags, and threatening to overthrow elections, are playing out that terrible drama here at home. 

But I think the authoritarian attempts cannot capture this country which is so deeply steeped in personal freedom of thought and expression.  I fully expect American liberal democracy will withstand the assaults coming from the authoritarian tribes within. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

It's the economy, stupid

Back when I was a Reagan Republican I thought Reagan’s Supply Side Economics was the key to our country’s prosperity.  But I have long ago seen that the Reaganomics Supply Side economics doesn’t work. When the government gives money to the wealthy they just get wealthier and very little trickles down.  The way they spend money doesn’t really pump up the economy.  And they don’t really expand their businesses, but rather buy back their stock so as to increase the value of the stock and boost their enormous income and satisfy their shareholders.  The economy?  Who cares?


Biden’s Demand Side Economics works wonders. When the Government spends money on the Middle and lower classes they spend it in the economy and the economy grows. They don’t fly off to Paris or buy estates in the Mediterranean.


This week we find out the manufacturing jobs have grown remarkably under Bidenomics:


American manufacturers have not only regained all the jobs lost during the pandemic, they have also added about 67,000 more.


Meanwhile, the real net worth of the bottom 50% of U.S. households has climbed 60% since Biden took office, now reaching $67,524


I believed in Supply Side for over 20 years until I saw the evidence that it did not help the middle class. It is hard to let go of political dogmas but I am proof that it is possible. 


What about inflation?  Inflation is a real problem the Administration is addressing, but doesn’t spending money on the poor and middle classes cause inflation?  I don’t think so. I don’t think American infrastructure and social spending is causing inflation in U.K. (9.9%), Germany (7.9%), or Russia (14.3%). It’s just failed dogma points being repeated endlessly hoping they will give Reps something to talk about in this election cycle. 


Feed the Middle and lower classes and they spend on the American economy.

It’s the economy, stupid.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022


 Finally the first legal action has been taken by Leticia James, Attorney General of New York, against The Former Guy. There are many more investigations underway, of course, and I have heard it said that everyone wanted to be the second one to bring charges, not the first, so as to avoid the demented hatred of the extremist Trump Cult. But New York leads off. Thank you, Leticia. 

This lawsuit claiming financial fraud of Trump and his corrupt organization go back to long before his presidency. This will likely cripple his fraudulent business, and she has referred criminal charges of bank fraud, tax fraud, wire fraud, etc. to federal prosecutors in Manhattan. Crimes that carry prison sentences if found guilty. 

The lawsuit is a civil action that could result in fines and restrictions on future business practices. Perhaps ending his business for good. Guilt in a civil charge is based upon a preponderance of evidence, and anyone who pleads the fifth amendment - refuse to answer on the grounds that the answer might incriminate me - can be seen as an admission of guilt. The Former Guy pled the fifth five hundred times in court. 

Criminal charges need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and taking the fifth cannot be seen as an admission of guilt, so those legal actions will be decided according to that level of evidence needed to convict. 

Next up may be in Georgia where he is being investigated for trying to overthrow the votes for Biden in 2020.  Should be a slam dunk, just play the tape where he asks for 11,780 votes to be “found” for him. Tried to overthrow an election. 

Why a lifelong conman and criminal was dumb enough to become the most visible and most scrutinized person in the country is baffling. I guess it goes back to his statement on the campaign trail in 2016 - When you’re a celebrity they let you do it,  you can get away with anything. 

Until you can’t. 

Prison please. 

Friday, September 16, 2022

Autocracy vs. checks and balances

 We are being taught so many depressing and dangerous lessons about now autocracies seize power.  Today we look at the attempt to destroy checks and balances.

It has been said many times that the genius of the Constitution is that is provides checks and balances. Well, it doesn't provide checks and balances.  What it does provide is a framework, a structure, for the implementation of checks and balances by human beings.  For example, if a former president steals the nation's top secrets with the most likely purpose to sell them to a hostile foreign power, or to blackmail the government by threatening to sell them in order to stay out of prison, then the check and balance should be the Department of Justice to investigate, discover, uncover, indict if a crime is seen, try, and imprison that person for espionage.  

But what if the checks and balances are not there?  What if the Department of Justice is infiltrated with autocratic collaborators?  And the collaborators make sure that the DOJ cannot stop the autocrat's crimes?  And the collaborators destroy justice, and then also go on to destroy honest elections and go on the establish an autocratic regime with a corrupt, power mad and greedy autocrat at the top and a system of corrupt or ideologically fanatical collaborators below.  

Look at Russia.  Look at China.  Look at Venezuela.  Look at Hungary.  Look at Saudi Arabia.

Look at America.

It is clear that The Former Guy thinks he is going to be charged with this, and probably a number of other crimes.  And he is calling upon his fanatical collaborators to rise up in violence if he is.  Autocracy in action.

But, this is not going to work.  I choose to insist that our checks and balances are there to be implemented by people of honor and integrity, and this latest attempt to establish a right wing extremist autocracy is going to fail.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Putin and Trump in trouble - danger for all

 It could be that Putin's army is being pushed back and has deep morale problems, plus he has officials from 18 Russian districts calling for him to resign.  

Trump's legal problems grow by the day - from suspicion of espionage using the top secret government documents he stole, to an attempted coup on January 6, 2021, to ... about a half dozen or so other crimes that he is being investigated for. Hard to keep count.

Even though both of these developments are good news, it is also a time to be very wary of very dangerous possibilities when power mad and perhaps mentally ill people are cornered.

Very recently two Putin critics "fell" their deaths - one from a hospital window and one from a "boat". What madness will the dying Putin come up with to keep from being humiliated in Ukraine?  No nukes, please...

And apparently The Former Guy is posting on his wanna-be Twitter site a couple of pictures - one showing a very intimidating looking self with a Q-anon pin on his blue suit and the headline "The Storm is Coming".  For those of us who don't know, "The Storm" is where a military junta captures the federal government in a coup and executes political enemies on TV.  These people are bat-shit crazy terrorists, and he is calling for them to be violent to keep him from prison.  Plus it seems that he is "tweeting" about 50 - 100 "tweets" every morning.  The ravings of a madman.  Very disturbing.

So, I celebrate the fall of these two monsters - I understand how terrified and panicked they are - and I hope and pray that their desperate attempts at survival does not include terrible violence for the rest of us.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Search Trump’s Bedminster property for espionage evidence, please…

 So it seems that we have a smoking gun of The Former Guy deliberately hiding highly classified government secrets.  There is video…

The video, shot on May 8, 2021, shows the former president boarding a plane from Florida to his resort in Bedminster, New Jersey . In the two-minute clip, Trump is seen climbing aboard before a series of helpers carry four boxes from multiple SUVs and load them onto the jet. 

The footage was shot just two days after he was first informed of missing documents by the National Archives”

I sincerely hope the FBI is given a search warrant to scour his Bedminster property immediately.  

Prison please…

Friday, September 9, 2022

Worse than the coup attempt?

 It is hard for me to imagine a crime against America more dangerous than an attempted coup by a president refusing to peacefully transfer power to his successor, but the Former Guy may actually have topped himself by committing the treasonous crime of espionage.  

The FBI seized documents at Mar-A-Lago that the Former Guy refused to give back to the government that included highly classified secrets that cannot be held by civilians under any circumstances.  He pretended to return all the docs months ago, but that was a lie, which he had one of his attorneys tell on his behalf (disbarment to come I hope).  Now he is trying to arouse violent attacks against the FBI and the Department of Justice for executing a properly authorized search warrant to recover the classified documents they had reasonable cause to suspect were still hidden on the property. And they found them.

The more we hear about the documents the worse it gets - 48 EMPTY secret files! - total info on the nuclear secrets of a foreign power!  

What else?  Why isn't the DOJ issuing search warrants on all of the Trump properties now that there is reasonable cause to suspect that he is hiding American secrets elsewhere as well as Mar-A-Lago?

Biden called this "semi-fascist" behavior on his part and the part of his MAGA Cult.  Harsh words, but that seems pretty accurate to me.

What possible reasons could there be for this person to have stolen these documents?  

The obvious one is that this man is desperate for money and he sold/planned to sell them for hundreds of millions of dollars.  Espionage.

Another one is that he was keeping them as a planned blackmail against America by threatening to give them to hostile foreign powers if America tried to imprison him.  Espionage and blackmail.

Another one is....??  I can't think of any non-criminal reason for him to fight to keep these documents.  I can understand that this incompetent, bumbling pathological narcissist had documents that he wanted as some kind of souvenirs to show how important he had once been as he faded into oblivion over time.  But all he had to do is what all ex-presidents have always done and have appropriate stuff sent to his presidential library.  Duh.

Any suggestions as to non-treasonous, non-criminal reasons to hide and refuse to turn over the top secrets of America back to their rightful owner - America?  I can't think of one.

Prison please....

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Trump is not the only autocratic “semi-fascists” in our country. He is supported and aided and abetted by collaborators. 

He found a true believer Federalist Society young, inexperienced judge, Aileen Cannon, that he appointed after he lost the election, to interfere in the FBI and Department of Justice investigation of his stolen documents, many of which were secret, Top-secret, and the highest level of secrecy in our intelligence community.  Her only qualification seems to be being a member of the Federalist Society which seems to be dedicated to turning the country into a White Christian Nationalist autocracy.

It is pretty clear to me that he is being investigated for espionage. Life in prison. And he will do anything to keep that from happening. 

But I don’t believe the DOJ will allow someone being investigated for espionage simply to be let off by this unprecedentedly flimsy legal ploy. How about the DOJ simply tell Judge Cannon that she has no standing to make this unprecedented “order”.

I remain hopeful that non-authoritarian Republicans will get sick of all this corrupt depravity and turn away 

Friday, September 2, 2022

Biden warns against anti-democracy Trumpists

 President Biden warned yesterday against the Trump led MAGA Cult extremists bent upon overturning democracy in America.  I have been trying to make this same warning in my blog posts for about six years.

Biden was very clear to make the distinction between the Autocratic wing of the Republican Party and the normal Republicans. I hope my writings can be seen by conservatives as a warning that the Republican party has been taken over by autocratic/authoritarian/fascist elements.  And I hope they see that they are no longer part of this violent extremist threatening force.

A few examples of the autocratic activities from the top of my head

The Coup attempt on January 6, 2020.  

The first time in American history where a losing president did not peacefully transfer power to the incoming president.

Election of Republican officials who will have the power to count and/or decertify votes and appoint Republican victors. 

Shutting down polling booths in black and brown liberal neighborhoods. 

A vast host of voter suppression laws.

A constant drumbeat of propaganda lies pretending that Trump won the election and had it stolen from him

Attacks on the FBI for carrying out a highly vetted and authorized search of Trump property looking for evidence of espionage by the civilian Trump. 

There are countless other examples but I find these depressing enough for now. 

My deepest hope is that conservatives finally get sick of trying to justify the anti-democracy actions, threats, and violence of the extremists in what used to be the Republican Party and walk away. 

Enough. Please. Enough. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

He knows what he did

 I keep in mind that the criminal always knows exactly what he did. So the more desperate he is to hide it, the greater the crime he is hiding.  Trump is calling for violence in the streets if he is indicted. His cult followers are threatening the FBI and Democrat Congresspeople. 

He knows what he did. It is not just having documents that he shouldn’t have. I believe he knows it is about a life in prison. And he will kill people to stay out of prison. And he will destroy American democracy to stay out of prison. Why his cult believes him, and even worse why they obey him, is very hard for me to understand. He represents something about their own pain and paranoia that they are willing to be violent for. 

I really don’t think that we are in for a civil war, but I do think there are some ready to attack at their cult leader’s “suggestion “.  They already did so on January 6, 2021.  That was just practice  

But America cannot afford to turn away from the rule of law because of threats from autocratic cult leaders and their subservient followers. To do so says that autocratic violence can and will overturn the rule of law, and we become a nation of rule by man, violent man. History has too many stories showing the horror of that. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Why the FBI searched

 Some preliminary details revealed in the highly redacted affidavit authorizing the warrant to seize intelligence documents from Trump.  

 In those initial 15 boxes, FBI personnel found 184 classified documents. Sixty-seven were labeled CONFIDENTIAL, 92 were SECRET, 25 were TOP SECRET. Some were marked SCS, FISA, ORCON, NOFORN, and SI, the very highest levels of security, involving human intelligence, foreign surveillance, intelligence that cannot be shared with foreign governments, and intelligence that is compartmented to make sure no one has full knowledge of what is in it. The former president had made notes on “several” of the documents.”

 The person who made the affidavit said they were a special agent with the FBI, “familiar with efforts used to unlawfully collect, retain, and disseminate sensitive government information, including classified N[ational] D[efense] I[nformation].” They swore that “there is probable cause to believe” that locations at Mar-a-Lago “contain evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed.” 

“… relevant to an ongoing investigation and the FBI has not yet identified all potential criminal confederates nor located all evidence related to its investigation.”

This could be beyond criminal activity.  This could be aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power. By the way, has he praised any hostile foreign powers in the last six years?