Thursday, November 10, 2022

Americans resist the fascist takeover of Congress

 It is not over yet, and both the House and the Senate are still in play, but it is clear that the expected "Red Wave" of extremist MAGA Cult candidates did not happen.

America is resisting the autocratic/authoritarian/white-supremacist/white-Christian-Nationalist/fascist takeover of the country.  

Thank you, young voters.

Thank you, women.

Thank you, moderates.

Thank you, Democrats.

It is worth reviewing how Biden became president.  On Super Tuesday 2020, I realized that in California the only candidates that would be recognized were those who got a minimum of 15% of the votes cast.  The only moderate who I was sure could reach the 15% threshold was Biden.  I would have preferred Buttigieg, but he was too far away.  And the only thing that counted was to defeat the autocratic Trump, so it was mandatory that Sanders or Warren not be the nominee.  So I voted for Biden.  Millions of Democratic primary voters across the country did the same thing, so the most electable moderate was nominated and won the presidency.

Nobody worships Biden.  There is not a Biden Cult.  Nobody is threatening poll workers in the name of Biden.  Or any other Democrats who ran and who won elections this November. 

Biden and Democrats are politicians, not demi-gods with cult worshippers.

Thank goodness.