Saturday, November 26, 2022

Please stop trying to colonize the moon and Mars

 Musk wants to colonize Mars.  NASA wants to colonize the moon. Please stop. I think these are not good ideas. Send robots. Send cameras. Send remote controlled laboratories. Human beings can only live on this earth. We need the earth’s 1G gravity. Otherwise human bones, hearts, and organs deteriorate and we die.

I understand the purpose of NASA is space exploration. I understand that human space exploration is more dramatic than robot exploration. I understand that dramatic  dreams raise more money. But please do not try to colonize extraterrestrial bodies. They cannot support human life.

There is so much to learn about outer space, and human beings do not belong there, but human exploration can proceed much better without trying to force the human body into unlivable conditions.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Rachel Maddow presents: Ultra - history you didn’t know

 Perhaps the most important book of the 20th Century was “Gulag Archipelago” by Solzhenitsyn.  It gave witness to the truth that Soviet Communism was a murderous, barbaric totalitarian police state.  It destroyed the lies and propaganda that the radical left in America and Europe wanted to believe that Communism was flawed but essentially beneficial.  Horse shit.

Rachel Maddow has told the history of the America First political movement of the ‘30s and ‘40s in her “Ultra” podcast - eight episodes. This is perhaps the most important historical account in the 21st century so far. 

I had no knowledge of this history.  I thought it was just Americans wanting to stay out of the “European War”. Horse shit. 

That America First movement was a full on fascist, Nazi, pro-Hitler violent crusade to violently overthrow democracy in America and create a pro-Nazi, anti rule of law, anti-democratic, antisemitic tyranny in America.  These were not misguided peace loving isolationists.  These were white supremacist fascists in the pay of and in ideological agreement with the white supremacist Nazis and Hitler.  

America has a long history of white supremacist domination - from Manifest Destiny that destroyed Native Americans, to anti-Chinese bigotry in early California, too African American slavery in the Confederate states, to racist Jim Crow terror in the post-civil War South, to complicit indifference in the North, to current Republican Party voter suppression and overt racist political appeals today. 

The fascist white supremacist pro-Nazi America First attempt to overthrow America in the ‘30s and ‘40s is being re-enacted by today’s white supremacist pro-Putin MAGA Cult Republican Party today.

How did we stop it eighty years ago?  It took everything that America could muster to triumph - the courts, political opposition, investigative journalism, private personal exposes, and the American voters.  The rule of law was insufficient. As it is today. Political opposition was insufficient. As it is today. Journalistic exposure was insufficient. As it is today. Each element of exposure and opposition was insufficient.  It took the whole of American goodness and truth to stop American fascism and lies.   It was up to America to say no. All of the tools that American goodness could muster was required. 

We are called to do it again. Now. We will prevail because goodness and truth will prevail over fascism and lies. 

I firmly believe. 

It is worth the time to listen to this gripping history that we were never taught. Because it is repeating now. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Michael Gerson’s last article - thank you

In honor of the passing of conservative columnist, Michael Gerson, I want to post his last article in the Washington Post.  Gerson was a Christian in the finest sense, he labored to live a life based on Christ, not one in the grips of the very un-Christlike Christian movement.  I am a liberal, and am surprised that I cried upon hearing of the death by cancer of this conservative.  


What does the return of unvarnished racism to the center of our political culture mean?
The problem I’m highlighting is greater than former Los Angeles city councilwoman Nury Martinez’s racist comments against the city’s Black and Oaxacan communities — though they were bad enough. The tapes were leaked to hurt Martinez, not chosen by her as a political stratagem.
For decades, the Martinez model of scandal has been the (more or less) typical response to gaffe-revealed racism in both parties. Remember the case of Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) in late 2002, when he essentially endorsed Sen. Strom Thurmond’s (R-S.C.) 1948 Dixiecrat presidential campaign as a GOP ideal? Later, Lott dismissed his statement as an attempt to be “lighthearted.” Few got the joke. 

And Lott soon resigned his Senate leadership office.
Though I supported Lott’s resignation at the time, when I was a White House staffer, I assumed that many such statements by Republicans were blunders, rooted in ignorance. Many GOP officials took a view of history that praised the Emancipation Proclamation and affirmed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, while essentially skipping over white supremacists’ Redemption policy, lynching, routine police brutality and the injustice of over-incarceration. Republicans sometimes committed career-ending acts by falling into a historical memory hole. But the general goodwill of the GOP on racial issues could still be broadly assumed.

This is among the worst errors of moral judgment I have made as a columnist. I tended to view bigotry as one of America’s defects or failures. The historical works I read often tried to defend the best elements of the American ideal as dramatically outweighing the worst moments of its application.

[Michael Gerson: I’m a conservative who believes systemic racism is real]

But no: The country was soiled by the sin of slavery from its birth. Many White people became wealthy by systematically stealing the wages and wealth of their Black neighbors. White Americans established a social and religious system designed to grant themselves dominance, often while trying to convince African Americans of God’s lower regard for their souls. Such systemic abuse could be found in North and South (though it was more heavy-handed in the South). Slaves were raped with impunity and murdered without consequence. And if someone in the North promulgated abolitionist ideas with too much effect, they could be targeted for bounties, beaten in the street or killed.

The conflict over constitutional protection for people with a different amount of melanin in their skin was the foundational test of American ideals. Many of the founders who supported slavery were the functional equivalent of terrorists: Maintain white superiority, they said, or we will blow up the whole system. Which they tried to do. An argument over political philosophy was settled only by a torrent of blood.

Yet it is still not fully resolved. Many in the South launched a successful campaign to secure white supremacy through states’ rights and Klannish violence. And many in the North were content with the appearance of equality as long as it did not include actual social equality. This consensus of White people in support of fallacious freedom was challenged by the civil rights movement, which asserted a comprehensive legal, political, social, educational and spiritual equality. The words of that movement — “Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood” — still echo. But the goals of that movement remain only partially fulfilled.

This is the environment into which the MAGA movement is pumping a toxic discharge of bigotry. Former president Donald Trump recently employed his own (supposedly) lighthearted treatment of racism’s cruelest epithet. “The n-word!” he told a campaign rally. “Do you know what the n-word is?” The crowd certainly did, when given permission to use it by Trump. “It’s — no, no, no. It’s the ‘nuclear’ word.” This was not a dog whistle; it was a Confederate trumpet.

During his last campaign, Trump warned suburban White women that “low-income housing would invade” their neighborhoods. Now he teases that he might run in 2024 “to take back that beautiful, beautiful house that happens to be white.” Even using the language and argumentation of the playground, Trump does his damage. He implies that the institutions of American government are and should be White dominated. He directly defends the segregation of housing. He encourages the idea that minorities are aggressors against Whites.

And Trump effectively gives permission to other MAGA fools. “They want crime,” Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said about Democrats at a recent Trump rally. “They want crime because they want to take over what you got. They want to control what you have. They want reparations because they think the people that do the crime are owed that.”
In MAGA world, the incitement of white grievance is the strategy. Such appeals are inseparable from racism. And they reopen a wound that nearly killed the patient before. It is politics at its most pernicious.”

I will miss Michael Gerson. His Republican Party disappeared. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Republicans win the House of Representatives - ugly coming to a TV near you

 The real depths of right wing extremist ugliness won’t really dominate the House until the new House is in place, but it is going to be pretty ugly.  Revenge, false accusations and show trials on literally “Trumped Up Charges”, threats, calls for violence … the extremists will proudly strut their intimidating and authoritarian selves to the admiration of their Cult audience. 

And I believe America will turn away in disgust. 

The thing to notice will be False Parralels - things with a similar form but totally different substance.  

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Americans resist the fascist takeover of Congress

 It is not over yet, and both the House and the Senate are still in play, but it is clear that the expected "Red Wave" of extremist MAGA Cult candidates did not happen.

America is resisting the autocratic/authoritarian/white-supremacist/white-Christian-Nationalist/fascist takeover of the country.  

Thank you, young voters.

Thank you, women.

Thank you, moderates.

Thank you, Democrats.

It is worth reviewing how Biden became president.  On Super Tuesday 2020, I realized that in California the only candidates that would be recognized were those who got a minimum of 15% of the votes cast.  The only moderate who I was sure could reach the 15% threshold was Biden.  I would have preferred Buttigieg, but he was too far away.  And the only thing that counted was to defeat the autocratic Trump, so it was mandatory that Sanders or Warren not be the nominee.  So I voted for Biden.  Millions of Democratic primary voters across the country did the same thing, so the most electable moderate was nominated and won the presidency.

Nobody worships Biden.  There is not a Biden Cult.  Nobody is threatening poll workers in the name of Biden.  Or any other Democrats who ran and who won elections this November. 

Biden and Democrats are politicians, not demi-gods with cult worshippers.

Thank goodness.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Automaker genius

 Once upon a time there was a genius automaker who’s car revolutionized the world. 

His entrepreneurial success convinced him that his genius was needed to run the world during a chaotic time. So he set about communicating his genius to the world so as to save it from dark forces. 

His name was Henry Ford. He was a vicious bigot. He discovered and published the vile, antisemitic false and dangerous “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” which falsely accused  Jews of heinous crimes and behavior. Because is his wealth and reputation as a genius the Protocols was published in many languages. One of those languages was German. Slaughter ensued. 

Oh, did you think the automotive genius that decided that his genius was needed to run the world was Elon Musk?  A different right wing fanatic?  Well, you may have been right. 

Nice cars. Dangerous right wingers with more influence than justified. 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Autocratic tactics

 Trump and his MAGA Cult political candidates continuously claim election fraud prior to elections. This is just one of the standard autocrat/fascist/authoritarian tactics they use. It’s not not novel. It is standard operating procedure. Their goal is to destroy faith in elections so that their forceful rise to power is guaranteed. 

As one of the autocratic leaders, Roger Stone, was caught in camera saying - “Let’s skip the elections and go straight to the violence”

Democracy in America is at serious risk.  But I believe in America and I believe that this terrible threat will fail  

Thursday, November 3, 2022

What if they win?

 What if my conservative friends are deliriously happy about WINNING THE CULTURE WAR, and wake up to see that they lost

                         SOCIAL SECURITY 



                                          BIRTH CONTROL

                                                 FREE ELECTIONS 

                                                         RULE OF LAW


                                                                            FREE PRESS

                                                                    PERSONAL FREEDOM

But, they won the Culture War!  yippee!  They Owned the Libs!  Yahoo!




Industrial agriculture and climate change

 Meanwhile, back to ongoing disastrous Climate Change, here is from a report released by some of the largest corporate agricultural giants:

Food production is responsible for a third of all planet-heating gases emitted by human activity 

Agriculture is the world’s largest industry. Pasture and cropland occupy around 50% of the planet’s habitable land and uses about 70% of fresh water supplies

Small, local food systems still feed most of the people on the planet and the real threat is that the industrial system is expanding at the expense of the truly sustainable system.

It’s not just the fossil fuel industry driving us toward an uninhabitable planet. Industrial farming has fed billions and now needs to pivot to regenerative farming. 

The report is signed by Bayer, Mars, McCain Foods, McDonald’s, Mondelez, Olam, PepsiCo, Waitrose and others”

It is not just fossil fuels making parts of our world uninhabitable, industrial agriculture needs to pivot to regenerative farming  

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

“Ultra” podcast

 The “Ultra” podcast by Rachel Maddow is a shocking account of the America First political movement in the 1930s.  This white supremacist right wing violent movement supported Hitler and the Nazis, promoted and distributed Nazi propaganda, had deep ties to the Christian fanatics of that time, included many members of Congress, committed violence, threatened violence, and came close to overthrowing the American government. All in the name of despising “socialism” and liberal mores, and admiring the “manliness” of Hitler and the Nazis.  

We see it again today. Same political energies again today.  Same righteous paranoia and hate. 

She has done 5 podcasts so far and more to come. If you like to listen to podcasts while driving, walking, tinkering, etc. this one is worth tuning into.

Because we see it again —— today — in our own America First MAGA Cult.