Tuesday, September 6, 2022


 Trump is not the only autocratic “semi-fascists” in our country. He is supported and aided and abetted by collaborators. 

He found a true believer Federalist Society young, inexperienced judge, Aileen Cannon, that he appointed after he lost the election, to interfere in the FBI and Department of Justice investigation of his stolen documents, many of which were secret, Top-secret, and the highest level of secrecy in our intelligence community.  Her only qualification seems to be being a member of the Federalist Society which seems to be dedicated to turning the country into a White Christian Nationalist autocracy.

It is pretty clear to me that he is being investigated for espionage. Life in prison. And he will do anything to keep that from happening. 

But I don’t believe the DOJ will allow someone being investigated for espionage simply to be let off by this unprecedentedly flimsy legal ploy. How about the DOJ simply tell Judge Cannon that she has no standing to make this unprecedented “order”.

I remain hopeful that non-authoritarian Republicans will get sick of all this corrupt depravity and turn away