Thursday, October 29, 2020

Time for the renewal of science

It is time to renew America.  It is time to renew relying on and promoting science in America.  This president has assaulted Science all of his life.  He is an ignorant, uneducated in science person.  Science, frankly, is just too complicated for him.  He doesn’t have the ability to focus and understand complex things, and science is complex.

We first saw this in his administration when he got rid of the scientists in the Department of Energy (nuclear scientists) and the Department of Agrictulture (weather and climate scientists) – for an excellent read about this please read Michael Lewis’s “The Fifth Risk: Undoing Democracy”

The two most disastrous results of this science ignorance and denial are the ridiculously clueless and incompetent handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ridiculously clueless and destructive response to Climate Change.

The pandemic is real.  It is not going away on its own.  It needs a national response – tests that produce results in 15 minutes, treatments that keep people alive and unscarred for life in their hearts, organs, and brains, and vaccines that can be widely distributed with very high effectiveness with minimal side effects.  It needs a national response, indeed a worldwide response led by and coordinated by America. But we don’t. We have a science denier in charge of the Federal Government, supported by a science denying Republican Party, and about three to four to five times as many Americans have gotten ill and died from this pandemic than would have if we had had an actual federally led response (including clear, science based advice)

Climate Change is real.  For many years I thought the environmentalists were just socialists in scientific clothing trying to destroy American industry. Well, that was nonsense.  The oceans are dying, the coral is dying, the forests are burning, the hurricanes and blizzard and storms are increasing.  Agribusiness is turning soil that pulls carbon out of the atmosphere when covered with diverse and varied crops into dirt that is depleted and killed when sprayed with soil killing pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. 

It is too late to ignore science.  A worldwide pandemic and climate change are just two results of a human race that ignores its impact on nature and ignores science. Our youth understand this, and they will take over pretty soon, by the way.

It is time to renew America.  It is time to renew relying on and promoting science.