Friday, October 30, 2020

Time for the renewal of American leadership in the world

It is time to renew America.  It is time to renew America’s leadership in the world.  This president and his isolationist and anti-science, anti-diplomacy, anti-Federal Government Republican cult have tried too destroy America and destroy the world order put together by America and its allies after WWII.

He refused to lead a national, Federal response to the deadly COVID-19 pandemic in America, and was totally missing in action in the need to lead a worldwide response to the disease.  Why?

He withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership which America had put together with the purpose of having America rather than China have the main influence in trade and business in the Far East.  We left.  China stepped in.  Why? 

He withdrew from NAFTA and reinstated some Trump copy of it for trade in the Americas.  Why?

He withdrew from the Iran Nuclear treaty that joined with Western allies to control Iran’s nuclear ambitions.  Why?

He attacked and weakened NATO, our alliance with Europe in defense against the Soviet Union and now against Russia.  Why?

Why? Three reasons by my reckoning.

First, these things were done by Obama and like an 8 year old child he just wants to undo everything that Obama touched because he is mad at Obama. Plus, of course he thinks he is much better than Obama because he is white and Obama is black.

Second, he is just a stupid and ignorant man who knows nothing of history, nothing of government, nothing of foreign relations, and nothing of American values and ideals.  And he egotistically actually thinks he doesn’t need to learn and that he knows more than anyone who tries to educate him.

But most importantly, he has clearly been doing the work that his Russian master, Vladimir Putin, demanded of him – to destroy American democracy and destroy American leadership in the world.  Putin has been trying to destroy American world leadership and American democracy ever since he took over Russia.  He sees the collapse of the Soviet Union as a world shattering catastrophe, and in Trump he found someone he could blackmail, or just fool, into destroying America.  It is pretty likely that Putin and his Russian Oligarchy used Trump to money launder huge sums of money for many years, and it is clear that Putin can present the proof that will have Trump die in prison.  Pretty strong blackmail stuff.  He is Putin’s puppet.

And, by the way, he waged a trade war with China, which hurt American farming and business.  This one is pretty clear as to why – this ignoramus actually thinks trade deficits hurt America, and no amount of education and reasoning will get him to listen. He is just a bullheaded and stupid man.  He didn’t need Putin to tell him to do this one, he did this one on his own ignorance.