Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Ugly Ugly Ugly

Last night I had the extreme displeasure of watching the first half of the debate between Biden and Trump.  I had to leave after an hour, it was all I could take.

The main takeaway is how ugly a man Trump is and how decent a man Biden is. 

Each did what they needed to do, I guess.  I suppose Trump pleased his adoring Trumpster base by being so ugly, because I guess that is what they like.  He pointedly refused to disavow the white supremacists and gave a shout out to the violent Proud Boys.  So, I guess he thought he had to nail down his white supremacist base.  Pretty discouraging. Trump is the ugliest American personality since Joseph McCarthy, but is much more dangerous given his job.

Biden showed up just fine.  He was clearly mentally capable and articulate, a stutter from time to time, but so what.  The main takeaway was his dignity and honor.

I see no reason for any more debates. They both expressed what needs to be expressed - Biden's decency and Trump's psychosis.