Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The RINO in the White House

I know that some of my conservative friends are thinking of voting for Trump because they always vote for the Republican.  But is Trump a Republican?

Of course not!  There is nothing about this childish bully that is Republican.  The real Republicans are denouncing him, the Lincoln Project of conservatives is a good example.  There are hundreds of former Republican politicians and Administration officials strongly opposing him.

Trump is a RINO (Republican In Name Only). He terrifies elected Republicans who are afraid that his attacks will cost them their seats.  And very, very sadly Republican voters have devolved into some strange kind of Trump Cult, ready to drink whatever Kool Aid Trump tells them to.

If real Republicans don’t vote against him this year the real Republican Party will forever disappear. The start of the killing of the GOP was the Tea Party.  Trump is just the next step of its total annihilation. 

My plea to my conservative friends is to vote against this man that you know that you disdain.