Saturday, August 29, 2020

Cults- Trump - Jim Jones

 In 1978 918 people drank poisoned Kool Aid and died because their insane cult leader, Jim Jones, told them to. Incomprehensible. 

In 2020 over 1000 people assembled on the White House lawn to hear Trump accept his nomination for the 2020 presidential run. They did not follow scientific medical advice to socially distance at least 6 feet and wear masks. They did so because their insane cult leader, Donald Trump, told them to.  Incomprehensible. 

It only takes one infected but non symptomatic COVID19 person to spread the virus to many. COVID19 kills, causes heart, organ, and brain damage in some people. 

Trump, of course, has no interest in the health or welfare of anyone other than himself, so we can expect that he would see COVID19 deaths as a welcome tribute to his importance.  
