Monday, October 2, 2023

What do you do when "God" tells you what to do?

 What happens when "God" tells you that you must rule a country, but you don't have the votes to win the elections you need in order to do so?  

This is not hard to figure out, you gerrymander your state so that you "win" more elected seats than you would in a fair election.  And you close down voting spots in areas that vote against you.  And you do all you can to limit voting where they vote against you. And you flood the media zone with a firehose of disinformation, propaganda, and lies about the "godless filth" of those who vote against you.  And you... behave just exactly the way Evangelical Leaders (and plutocratic so-called capitalists) do.  You destroy democracy so that you don't need to win votes.  You cheat.  

And the one that "God" told you is your savior on this earth of today, Trump, is such a good example of cheating, isn't he?  He cheats in counting the votes, cheats in his fraudulent business practices with bank fraud, insurance fraud, tax fraud.  Cheats his vendors by not paying what he owes, cheats his lawyers by not paying what he owes, cheats on his wives by sexually assaulting and raping women while he is married, cheats on his score playing golf, cheats on his commitments made for running his golf courses, cheats on his "charities" and steals from them...  Oh, what a glorious and inspiring cheat he is.  A model for all devoted Evangelical White Christian Nationalists around the country.  

But, how do you know what "God" is telling you to do?  David French points out today that the Evangelical voters are only able to hear one thing - the "prophecies" of the evangelical "prophets", or perhaps the "Holy Spirit" speaks directly to you and tells you to vote for Trump, or whoever follows Trump once he is gone.  From is article:

",...prophecies, like the declarations from Christian “apostles” that Donald Trump is God’s appointed leader, destined to save the nation from destruction. Sometimes there’s no need for a prophet to deliver the message. Instead, Christians will claim that the Holy Spirit spoke to them directly. As one longtime friend told me, “David, I was with you on opposing Trump until the Holy Spirit told me that God had appointed him to lead.”

But, they will not destroy democracy in America and the world.  We can choose a better America than the bible thumping fire and brimstone world of make believe prophets spouting their bigoted hatred from their pulpits.  America has always had those fear based folks and all I can think to do as pray that the real God Goddess All That Is finds a way to soften their hearts and help them just let go, just let it go, you don't need to be afraid of those who are different.  Satan has not captured Democrats.  The world (and Satan) is not out to get you.