Sunday, October 15, 2023

Religious fanatics

 I have never focused on the Israeli Palestinian history because I never thought it would be resolved, but would just be a persistent toxin. There are thousands of details I don’t know. But listening and reading about these latest horrors I think there is one overwhelming fact. Religious fanaticism. 

Hamas is an extremist religious fanaticism dedicated to driving all Jews out of all of Palestine (Israel). They are like ISIS who want a fanatic Islamic Caliphate. 

And there are Jewish extremist religious fanatics dedicated to driving all Palestinians out of Israel. 

And the corrupt Netanyahu needed to stay out of prison by becoming Prime Minister so he joined up with the Jewish fanatics who openly claimed their desire to clear Israel of Palestinians. 

And Hamas saw Saudi Arabia on the cusp of making a deal with Israel. 


Seems like whenever there is the threat of the two state solution one of the extremist fanatics destroys it. 

I am so tired of religions. I wish all people would just walk away from all religions. Go out into God’s majestic creation and be touched by the wonder of the moon, the wonder of the stars, the beauty of the flowers and trees and birds.  And ask the Infinite Divine what do I need at this moment to be closer to You?  The true answer will never be Go Kill People of such and such religion. 

But, we have religions. So we get slaughter instead.