Tuesday, October 24, 2023

What crime wave?

 Is Trump and the Republican extremists right that crime is rising and out of control in America? Well, of course not. They are lying.  It's just campaign disinformation and propaganda.  Here is the actual data from Paul Krugman, Nobel prize winning economist:

"Now, sometimes popular impressions are more or less right. Back in the 1970s and 1980s, when Hollywood was producing vigilante thrillers like “Death Wish” and dystopian sagas like “Escape From New York,” violent crime really was surging:

F.B.I., via Jeff Asher
However, violent crime began falling rapidly in the early 1990s, for reasons that remain unclear. Whatever the source of the good news, there were two remarkable things about this decline. First, it was truly epic; as someone who has lived in New York since 2015 but visited it many times over previous decades, I can attest that the city feels infinitely safer than it did in the bad old days. Second, most Americans didn’t notice."
A good rule of thumb is that if Trump said it he just made it up and expects his cult to believe anything he says.