Friday, September 29, 2023

More to be pitied than feared?

 It is starting to dawn on me that Trump, his slavish enablers, and his cult followers are more to be pitied than feared.  Watching the hapless Republican Party in the House of Representatives unable to pass a budget, and desperately trying to come up with some reason to impeach President Biden, they just seem not very smart.  Some of them are definitely not very smart, but even the smart ones have to do and say really stupid things to please their orange faced, rage and revenge filled master fulminating in Mar a Lago. 

Trump lost the election, but because he told the Big Lie that his MAGA Cult wanted to hear almost all elected Republicans have to swallow their shame and go along with it to codependently appease their master for fear of losing the next election in the primary to a Trump Cultist.

And now they have to go along with an even Bigger Lie - that all all all all of the many many many many criminal charges and indictments against the King of Corruption and Greed are politically motivated. 

They are not politically motivated.  Of course.  The lifelong criminal just does criminal things, daily, over and over, and has no way of being able to stop.  Because, frankly, he is mentally ill and compulsive.  He needs everyone to submit to him, in small and large ways.  He forces all of them to kiss his ring, to abase themselves at his feet.

What a sad, unbalanced little man.  It is hard to imagine what it must be like for smart Republicans who know what nonsense he is spouting, who know how damaging his endless calls to violence are, who know he is a danger to democracy in America and around the world, who know that he is a danger to the Republican Party, who know he is a danger to their own careers.  Yet, they cower in fear.  They either curl up and hope it all goes away, or they become cheer leaders in hopes of becoming a favorite of the blinded by the propaganda, blinded by the celebrity show, blinded by their own grievances MAGA hard core Trump supporters that they just hold it all inside themselves and go along with it all.  What is it like to swallow and swallow and swallow the truth and the outrage and the opposition every day, time and time again?  How does a personality cope with such endless suppression and humiliation?

I would like to think I would be brave and show the integrity and courage of 26-year-old Cassidy Hutchinson and just speak the truth - what do you know?  What have you seen?  What do you say privately and are afraid to say in public?

But who knows.  Everyone is brave when they don't have to be.  Being brave when it costs you dearly is maybe not so easy to do.  Maybe, There But For The Grace of God Go I.

I feel sorry for these frightened and cowering Republicans who aren't free.  

But I really do hope and pray that they wake up and realize they are paying a price of their own self respect, their own integrity, their own character to continue to play along with dangerous, violent madness of the Orange Emperor who Has No Clothes. 

I make no mistake.  The Former Guy and his cult are dangerous and violent. But maybe it is more a propaganda strut and show than I sometimes fear it is.  Maybe it is a bubble that will just go poof. 

Let the trials begin.  And ---- poof.