Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Fraud in the White House

We finally got some tax returns of Donald J Trump, and they were just about what informed people expected - they showed colossal losses by the real estate developer - between 1985 and 1994 he lost $1.17 BILLION.  That may have been more losses than any other American over that time.  So much for the Successful Entrepreneur myth that he built around himself.  This is not a surprise to those who actually follow the news, real news, not the stuff that gets dumped into the Right Wing media propaganda bubble.  Donald Trump is a terrible businessman.

Donald Trump is a fraud.  He is a failure, not a success.  He doesn't have great wealth, he spends like he has great wealth, and that is not the same thing.

At about that point in time he could no longer get loans from reputable American banks.  Where did his money come from?  As best I can tell he ran a money laundering operation for Russian and perhaps Saudi Arabian oligarchs.  It looks like Deutsch Bank was often the facilitator for his money laundering.

His incompetence and buffoonery is on display every day in the White House.  And that is just a continuation of his incompetence and buffoonery in business prior to his presidency. 

He seems to be very good at one thing - propaganda, bluffing, image building, pumping up his Brand.  And enough are fooled to keep him going. 

Maybe he is good at money laundering, bank fraud, and tax evasion as well.  But two things he is not good at - being a businessman and being a president.

It is no mystery why this pathetic person is sooooooooooooooo desperate to keep his tax returns away from the public eye.  We will all see that he is not a billionaire; we will all see his monumental debts; we will all see that he is nothing but a fraud and a failure. 

The Wizard of Oz was about a pathetic little man behind a curtain manipulating a grand a powerful Wizard Puppet for the world to see and bow down before.  But is was just a sham, a fraud.  And all that was there was a pathetic little man who didn't want to be seen.  A good picture of the Fraud in the White House.

It's depressing that there are so many fools in the great country.  Time for them to wake up.