Monday, May 13, 2019

Will Trump's distractions from subpoenas cause war in the Gulf?

So far, we have been lucky because the Narcissist in Chief hasn't caused a war as a way to distract the country and the Congress from his legal and financial debacles.  That luck may be running out.

Apparently, Trump has removed exceptions to Iranian oil imports from eight countries in order to cut Iranian exports of oil to zero.  I suppose that sounds really tough and brave to the Trumpster base, but it looks ridiculously stupid to me. It looks like a consequence of this is that someone has sabotaged Saudi Arabian oil tankers in the Gulf - Iran? Trump is throwing matches at gasoline.  And explosions are all too possible. 

Iran has been mostly complying with the nuclear deal with Europe even though our ignorant president pulled out of that deal.  Iran is now threatening to pull out of the restrictions of that deal and go back to building nuclear materials.  How lovely it is for our remarkably foolish president to push Iran toward building nukes, just so he can get off the front pages about his violations of the constitution.

Another amazingly stupid thing that Trump has already done is pick sides in the religious wars between the Sunni Saudi Arabia and the Shiite Iran.  What?  Both sides are filled with crazed religious fundamentalist fanatics and terrorists. One side isn't good and the other side bad.  Don't pick sides, for goodness sakes! 

So, for America to pick sides in the first place and then try its best to destabilize the situation now that Trump needs headlines to distract the country from Congressional investigations into his corruption has the potential for disaster and actual deaths.

I am guessing that the war hungry John Bolton, Trump's National Security Advisor, is avidly promoting how wonderful and manly it is to be tough against Iran.  But it seems to me that Trump's real motivation is to dominate the headlines and put the Trump corruption stories on the second pages of the papers.

What a very sad turn of events.