Saturday, May 25, 2019

Finally finished the Mueller Report

I finally finished the Mueller Report. 

It clearly showed Russian interference in our election. It clearly showed Russia helped Trump win. It clearly showed Trump and his campaign welcomed Russian help. But it did not have proof of active conspiracy between the campaign and Russia. 

It clearly showed massive efforts by Trump to obstruct justice by attempting to intimidate and influence witnesses being questioned by Mueller, and by firing Comey and trying to fire Mueller, and by threatening and coercing the investigators. 

Does there have to be an underlying crime to justify obstruction of justice charges?  Mueller says no because the obstruction itself taints and changes the testimony and inquiry. Mueller passed the decision to prosecute obstruction to Congress. 

The nauseating corruption of this president is the stench that infuses every page of this report. 

It is easy to say that this man is a bully and you don’t like him, and then go on to say “but...fill in the blank”. But the reason we need to rid our country of him and his deeply corrupt supporters is that democracy itself is being dragged into oblivion in the cesspool of their corruption.