Friday, April 26, 2019

Trump will continue to be Trump, maybe more so now...

Trump feels that he dodged a bullet when his Attorney General, William Barr, said that there was no conspiracy with Russia, and that there was no provable obstruction of justice.  So, he shouted to the world "No Collusion, No Obstruction!"  An actual reading of the Mueller Report, of course shows a lot of welcoming of Russian interference in the presidential election, even if there was no proof of active conspiracy.  And apparently there are at least ten very overt examples of obstruction that Mueller decided to allow Congress to decide what to do about.  I am reading the report and haven't gotten to the obstruction portion yet.

But, something to remember - Trump will not stop being Trump.  That is to say, Trump will continue to be a child; Trump will continue to act like a nine year old's version of how a king can act; Trump will continue to bully and intimidate anyone he can, including Congress (if they allow him to); Trump will continue to operate as if the whole point of being President is to make a financial fortune; Trump will continue to be cruel to all but the upper 1% of the wealthy in the country (and the world); Trump will continue to be overtly and blatantly racist and white supremacist; Trump will continue to violate the Constitution on a daily basis.

So, Trump will continue to be Trump, only more so now that he thinks he can get away with anything.  He thinks he got a Get Out of Jail Card, and he is off to plunder and destroy.

He has an excellent chance of creating something so outrageous that it will force Congress to impeach him, and perhaps even force the Senate to convict him.  He is not a smart man. He is a foolish child, bent upon destroying as much as ne can, and thinks he can get away with anything. 

I would not be surprised that he runs right off the cliff.