Monday, April 22, 2019

Trump's "Mission Accomplished" moment - "no collusion! no obstruction!

I guess one of the benefits of having an Attorney General who introduces the Mueller Report by claiming that there is nothing to see here is that the first impression is that there is, indeed, nothing to see.  But...

I remember the U.S. invasion of Iraq with the toppling of statues to Saddam Hussein and American tanks in the streets of Baghdad.  And, of course, there was the indelible image of the U.S. President, George W Bush, standing on a battle ship under a huge banner that said "Mission Accomplished" basking in the glow of triumph and surrounded by admiring military.

Well.  How did that turn out?  All he did was boldly emphasize that the Mission Was Not Accomplished.  The war lasted about a decade and still isn't really over.  That "Mission Accomplished" moment turned out to be a bad choice on the part of W.  It was just started, and nothing was accomplished.

So too for our current president and all the president's sycophants.  As soon as Barr said that the Mueller Report blessed his president, Trump leaped forward to claim exoneration (against the actual words of the report itself as far as obstruction of justice is concerned).

But the report is over 400 pages long.  It says the same things that the Trump books which exposed the Trump White House has always said - Trump commands his subordinates to obstruct justice, reaches out to get help from the hostile foreign power - Russia, ignores and tramples over laws and norms, behaves like a nine year old’s version of a king, and trashes the very concept of America endlessly.

Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" said it.  Bob Woodward's "Fear: Trump in the White House" said it.  Now, it is time to read the Mueller Report.  It says the same thing, with the enormous authority of 22 months of sworn testimony and records to substantiate it.

No Collusion?  No Obstruction?  Congress will hold hearings with the testimonies of Barr, Mueller, McGahn and perhaps others.  Trump and the Reps want to say that there is nothing to see here.  They say don't drag their leader through the mud - mud?  is there mud?  Golly gee.  I wonder?

Maybe Trump escapes impeachment. But his mud is on very plain view.