Friday, April 19, 2019

Mueller - Russia interfered in U.S. election - and succeeded!

Despite the happy face distortions of the Mueller report made by Trump's Attorney General William Barr (who has proven that he is not America's Attorney General) the Mueller report revealed that Trump's campaign was welcoming Russian interference although not provably conspiring with Russia. Also, Mueller makes it very clear that Trump himself made every effort to obstruct justice and only the refusal of his subordinates to carry out his unconstitutional orders saved him from criminal prosecution. Does that save him from impeachment?

Russia swayed this election toward Trump, and they succeeded.  This is one of the saddest things I have ever written. 

What to do?

Follow the advice of the political master, Nancy Pelosi - Speaker of the House - and have Democrats focus on building an agenda for America and support the wave of Democratic victories of the 2018 mid-term elections by staying the victorious course of moderation, health care, compassionate assistance to the middle classes and lower classes?

Or decide that the danger to America and the world posed by the manifestly corrupt and unfit man it the White House is too much of a danger to avoid impeachment proceedings?

Up to now, I was on the side of you can't impeach him if you don't have a "gasp moment" where the country recoils and turns against him.  The Barr spin has dampened the impact of the Mueller report.  But, wouldn't a full public exposure of the evidence in the Report build to such a conclusion?

I think the good middle ground is to get Barr and Mueller before Congress in public hearings to grind through the evidence to bring the corruption and incompetence of this president and his White House to the full light of day.  Might not lead to an impeachment trial, but would let the country actually see this administration as they actually are - without the propaganda machine telling us all to look away.

And it looks like that is going to happen