Friday, February 3, 2023

Xenophobic self destruction

 What can one expect from xenophobic extremism?  In Britain, you got Brexit.  In America, you got Trump and the MAGA Cult. In short, you get self destructive catastrophe.

How did that Brexit thing work out? It cratered the British economy. The obvious outcome. As Farid Zakaria wrote:

 This year, the British economy will do worse than all of the world’s major economies — including Russia.”

And how is MAGA working out in America?  It has imprisoned a host of extremist fools and traitors, with the long arm of the law reaching out for more.  And, oh yes, it is losing elections and is on the way to destroying the Republican Party.  Let us hope it doesn’t destroy America and the world as well. 

It’s not just xenophobia, of course, it is also bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, fundamentalist fanaticism, and targeted violence and cruelty.  It seems sad to me that what used to be a functioning political party has been taken over by such backward and spiritually ugly fanatics and con-artists. 

It’s all being driven by huckster propagandists cashing in on people’s real pain, fear, and confusion to build their own fame and fortunes - whose ethos seems to be “What’s good for me is - good for me - too bad for anyone else”

I see MAGA as lost souls who need to find their way back to decency and reality. Or so it seems to me.