Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The need for regulations

 It is a conservative dogma that all regulation does is stop good men from Getting Things Done. They see regulations as Inhibiting the Free Market. They see regulation as Burdensome Socialism that interferes with and Restricts the Economy.

Well, I see regulations as necessary protections and safeguards against shoddy, or unprincipled, corrupt work.

The terrible earthquakes in Turkey show us what happens when buildings are not built to good earthquake codes and regulations.  There was a huge apartment building in Florida that collapsed for no reason other than corrupt building practices.  I have a friend who had a large, heavy tree branch fall on his roof - and the roof held because it was built to code - annoying, expensive code - that saved their home and perhaps their lives. 

I like regulations that have buildings built to code, that have drugs made that are actual drugs, that protect against air and water pollution and filth, etc.  I am all for good regulations and codes.

The tragedy in Turkey is beyond imagination and belief.  Unfathomable pain.