Tuesday, January 3, 2023

They don't play well together

The Republicans narrowly won the House of Representatives in November and are trying to select someone to lead them and become the Speaker of the House.  They can't do it.  They have the same problem now that drove John Boehner out of the Speakership years ago - the Freedom Caucus is nuts.  Boehner quote:

“They can’t tell you what they’re for. They can tell you everything they’re against. They’re anarchists. They want total chaos. Tear it all down and start over. That’s where their mind-set is.”

The Freedom Caucus/Tea Party folks were the first ones to drive me out of the Republican Party.  They seem to literally want to end all government and let the bigots, oligarchs, and hucksters pillage and despoil America at will. 

So, now the country and the world get to watch while people who seem to hate everything that is decent or worthwhile turn on their own Republican Party and strut their ugliness on the big stage of American government.

I write this while the votes for Speaker have failed twice.  It is kind of entertaining watching obnoxious people being obnoxious.