Thursday, January 12, 2023

Gun sanity in Illinois

 In this time of right-wing extremist nuttiness, it is nice to see a sign of sanity in Illinois - a ban on assault weapons.

"Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) signed a statewide assault weapons ban on Wednesday, making it the ninth state to adopt the measure, reports Axios.

The gun extremists, aided by the extremist right-wing Supreme Court majority, have destroyed the original meaning of the Second Amendment to ignore the intent - which was to empower individual States to have a readily armed state sanctioned militia it could call up to defend the state against foreign invasion.  That obvious intent has long been ignored and discarded to become everybody gets to have whatever weapons they want, including weapons of war - assault weapons.  And hundreds of slaughters every year is the result.  

But Illinois is the 9th state to say no to this idiocy.

Thank you.