Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The purpose of the phony ballot audits by Trumpster fanatics

Why are the Trump Cult conducting an obviously phony “audit” of the votes in Arizona after there were already two official audits conducted by professionals?  It’s pretty easy to understand, it is to discredit trust in democracy itself so that the oligarchs and fascists can take power by force.  Trump is the figurehead, but the forces of oligarchical fascist tyranny run long and deep in America, most notably in the Jim Crow South after the Civil War, and they see this as their time to end the use of government to empower people's lives and instead to use government for the purpose they want – fascist oligarchical wealth and power.  Pretty much the definition of oligarchical rule. 

Sadly, so many are fooled into thinking that by giving their personal power to their authoritarian oligarchical bosses they are somehow becoming more free – free from compassionate caring about other people, free from caring about other species, or the environment, or succeeding generations.  Free to buy guns and shoot each other, I suppose.  Free to force their women to have unwanted babies.  Free to put black and brown people “in their place”.  

The oligarchs are happy to give them these tiny satisfactions as long as they themselves get to feed their endless avarice and domination, so long as they can continue to destroy the environment by running their fossil fuel and massive agribusiness industries without having to make changes needed to halt and reverse the catastrophic climate change, biodiversity destruction, endless pollution of our planet that is killing the forests, oceans, species, and humans.  

We live in dangerous times, but so many of us are waking up to the real needs that the planet is forcing upon us.  And indeed, there are a few glimmers that some of the massive industries are at least pretending to care about the planet, so I choose to hope.