Wednesday, June 30, 2021

“Border Security”, “Critical Race Theory”, & inner city crime – Republicans’ only issues (racism)

It’s not Trump - it’s Republicans.  It’s not Republicans - it’s white supremacist “Republicans” – and white supremacist evangelical “Christians”.

What are the issues that Republican office holders and office seekers are running on?  Border security and opposition to Critical Race Theory and inner city crime.  To clarify that a bit – keep brown people out, and refuse to admit the impact of systemic racism against blacks, and be very afraid of inner city black and brown people.  Add to that the scores of new voter suppression measures in every Republican state.  We just got news that the governor of South Dakota wants to send troops to the border.  South Dakota?  Mexicans are over-running the streets in South Dakota? I guess she has ambitions for higher office in the “Republican” Party. Really disturbing.

Issues not being addressed by Republicans?  Climate change, fouling of rivers and oceans, fouling of the atmosphere, effective suppression of COVID-19 via vaccines, punishing the attempt by right wing crazies to overturn an election, staggering increase in economic inequality, hollowing out of the middle class, living wages for jobs that have been deemed essential work during this pandemic, building of infrastructure including all aspects of physical and human infrastructures, etc. etc. – i.e. actual catastrophic issues facing America.  Forget all of that, say Republican politicians.  Just attack brown and black people.  And, while you’re at it, attack yellow and red people too.

Keep the suckers distracted by trivialities so that the Oligarchy can continue to loot and despoil the country. 

How does a super-billionaire have a midlife crisis?  He builds a space ship so he can take a really fast ride into space.  Golly gee….

Real Republicans are turning away from the MAGA Trump Cult Republicans.  

But the Cult has captured the Republican Party. And if one is a Republican politician one has to out-MAGA other MAGAs, and out-MAGA the former guy himself in order to be elected by the Cult.  We are watching a party destroy itself.  Unfortunately, it is destroying a lot of America along the way.  

I have written often that the Republicans are going the way of the Whigs into oblivion – split by the racist slave owners vs. abolitionists in the 1800s and split by the racist MAGA Cultists vs. issues oriented Republicans of today.  I left the Republican Party long ago, and remain saddened as to why any stay in that party today.