Monday, June 28, 2021

Only 60 harvests left on the planet?

The earth has lost 40% of its topsoil. In 60 years some say it will all be gone.  Do we have only 60 harvests left on the planet?  Some dispute that certainty, but clearly the corporate mono-culture, chemical spraying, over-plowing agriculture, and the federal governments that it controls, are turning nutrient rich, carbon storing soil into barren, empty dirt, and throwing vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.  

I just re-watched the “Kiss the Ground” documentary. It presents solutions. Regenerative farming is a major solution.  It re-greens the land, produces harvests every month of the year, grows beef and chicken as well as nutrient rich plants, and pulls carbon out of the atmosphere rather than throws it up into the atmosphere. 

Portland and Seattle are experiencing Over 100 degree temperatures. This is unthinkable. Texas had an extended freeze a few months back that crippled their sadly deregulated power grid and over a hundred died. Arctic permafrost is melting which throws CO2 into the atmosphere, which causes warming, which melts permafrost, etc. 

Time has run out. Climate Change is here.  It is deadly. Multiple species are becoming extinct. Humans are one of those species being threatened. 

This is one of many movies that shows solutions. Any series with David Attenborough does the same. He shows the wonder and beauty of our planet, sounds the urgent alarms, and offers solutions.  We have lost our connection to, and love of nature. We are killing ourselves with our indifference. 

We can turn this around, and I have great hope and expectation that our youth understand this very clearly, and will act.