Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What the world looks like when America doesn't lead

America has been the necessary nation ever since WWII.  It provided, imperfectly, the moral leadership of the post war world - it was the international stabilizer - it was the bulwark against the tyrannies of the Soviet and Chinese Communist dictatorships. 

But that is gone now.  Trump's America is not in any way a moral leader in the world.  Trump's America is in no way a stabilizer of the international order.  Trump's America is a imitator of Putin's Oligarchy, and Saudi Arabia's oligarchy, and the authoritarian rules in Hungary, Turkey, the Philippines, etc. 

Trump admires authoritarianism, not democracy.  Trump admires and promotes oligarchy.  Trump admires, promotes, and is saturated with political and financial corruption.

One of the latest examples is Saudi Arabia Crown Prince MBS hacking the phone of Jeff Bezos as part of MBS campaign against his perceived opponents.  Why wouldn't MBS do whatever authoritarian thing he wants?  He has Trump as an admirer rather than a constraint.

One of the many ways our president is diminishing and weakening America.