Thursday, January 2, 2020

Climate change catastrophes

Climate change is producing terrible damage to this world.  The most recent catastrophe is in Australia where so far about 18 people have died, many are missing, mass evacuations are happening, people are fleeing into the ocean to stay alive, smoke inhalation is affecting vast numbers, and nearly ONE HALF A BILLION animals have died.  Some species may have disappeared.  The cause is unusual heat and dryness.  Apparently this fire season has gone far beyond the normal, gotten into trees, and there is no quick end in sight as the heat and dryness continue.

We in California understand this problem all to well as we have gone through three consecutive out of the ordinary fire seasons. 

In addition to fires there are blizzards and floods that are unusual due to the unstable polar vortex caused by climate change. 

Of course there are more category 5 hurricanes assaulting us as well. 

We are in a New Normal - instability in our climate.

My political beliefs have long been to stay away from the extremes in either party, and I don't want an extreme lefty to get the Democratic nomination for President this season because I think that is the only way that Trump gets elected. 

But, I think the youth today are much less interested in whether or not a candidate cares about Medicare for All and is much more interested in cleaning up the air and water, and attacking the causes of climate change. 

It is finally dawning on me that environmental concerns need to take the lead going forward.