Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump is not the Republican president

I am endlessly puzzled why my conservative friends continue to defend Donald Trump as president.  I think the only reason that I have been able to come to is they see Donald Trump as a conservative president, or a Republican president, who is under attack by liberals trying to undermine conservative or Republican policies. 

But that is not what is going on. I do not see Trump as a conservative president or a Republican president. 

I see Donald Trump as a fascist who has taken over the American presidency.  I see Donald Trump as a dangerous man-child who has no interest other than his own profit and power.  I see Donald Trump violating the Constitution daily.  I see Donald Trump as a fraud and a con-man who has mysteriously bamboozled millions of Americans to think he somehow cares about them and is on their side.  I see Donald Trump under the control of the Russian Oligarchy and who is destroying America's leadership in commerce, democracy, and human rights.  I see Donald Trump as a leader of far too many Americans whose only concern is greed and plunder to the harm of the environment and the middle and lower classes.  I see Donald Trump as a white supremacist who does everything to please and inflame white supremacists in America in order to make him King of the Whites.

I see Donald Trump as the biggest threat to Americans, America, and America's leadership in the world since - the Soviet Union.  

I see Donald Trump as a pathetic little man out to prove something about himself with no thought of any of the terrible destruction he is having on America and the world.

I do not oppose Donald Trump because of his conservative or Republican ideology.  He has no ideology.  He is trying to become America's Mussolini, or Stalin, or Lenin, or Mao Tse-Tung, or Putin, or Erdogan, or Duterte - a strong man whose whim becomes the murderous rule.

America is losing its innocence.  We have never been crushed by a dictator, and we won't be crushed by this wannabe dictator, but he is trying.

He is not a Republican. He is not a conservative.  He is a danger to democracy.

We are all at the mercy of my conservative friends since only conservatives have the power to rid the country of this toxin in the White House.  I pray that they finally turn against this fraud and see him for the danger that he is.