Monday, August 6, 2018

Don Jr thrown under the bus by his father

So, does the person the Republicans helped Russia elect to be president actually think that if he says it it is true?  Obviously, some of his more news-challenged followers seem to believe so.

Trump just threw his son under the Mueller bus by declaring that Jr was looking for dirt on Hillary by meeting with the Russians.

Getting info on an opponent is normal politics but getting info on an opponent from a hostile foreign power?  That's conspiring with a hostile foreign power to interfere with the American election.  Conspiring is a crime.  Collusion is an imprecise word that should better be translated in our minds as conspiracy.  

Crime. Conspiracy.

Saying that it is legal doesn't make it legal.  It's a crime.  It's not jaywalking.  it's conspiring with a hostile foreign power to elect a president that the hostile foreign power wants to be president.

So, this corrupt person accuses his own son of conspiring with a hostile foreign power.  And he declares he knew nothing of it.  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha......

If he sends his son to jail to protect himself, who on earth is dumb enough to stay with this horrible boy-man?

Aren't we all glad we aren't related to the person the Republicans helped Russia elect to be the president of America?