Saturday, July 14, 2018

Indictment of Russian intelligence officers shows direct connection to Trump himself

First thing we all have to know is that Trump is using tried and true propaganda technique, following Goeble's and Hitler's example:

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”

So, Trump says over and over that there is no collusion, it's a witch hunt, the elite are trying to stop the will of the people.  And  some people believe that rather than pay any attention to actual news, which Trump says over and over is Fake News.  And some people believe that the news if fake and the government propaganda is real.  Just like what used to happen for decades in the Soviet Union.

But Rod Rosenstien, the Deputy Attorney General, just indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers for taking active measures to harm the candidacy of Trump's opponent and put Trump into office.  The indictment went into great detail about how and when.  It is not just some vague political hit piece.  It is indictable evidence.  It is news.  It is not fake news.  It is time for my conservative friends to wake up and smell the treason.

There are many devastating charges in the indictment, here is the one that directly links Trump himself to the Russian intelligence officers' actions:

"On July 27, at a press conference, seemingly out of the blue, Trump said: “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” referring to the so-called “missing” emails from the private server Hillary Clinton used while serving as secretary of state.

Which brings us to stand-out thing number two: the spearphishing done by the Russian intelligence operatives was done “after hours.” At no other point in the indictment does the Mueller team refer to what time of day other hacking was done. Trump’s press conference was in New York at about noon. That’s 7 p.m. in Moscow. Russia was listening, all right.  They started hacking immediately after Trump’s call-out to them. After hours."

The Russians took a direct order from Trump and followed it.  Isn't this conspiracy?  Is any more evidence needed to connect Trump to the Russian intelligence operation to elect Trump?  Does this rise to the level of treason, which is certainly impeachable, and actually punishable with death per the Constitution?

Which brings up the most important question of all - why isn't Trump and his administration pulling out all the stops to investigate and stop a hostile foreign power from interfering in our elections?  It is still happening now.  If he and the Republicans aren't trying to stop the interference isn't that evidence that they are welcoming it? that they are conspiring with it?  that since it benefits them they are turning a blind eye and thus aiding it?

Trump and the Republicans are failing in the most basic of all of their duties and pledges -

"...defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."

Trump's endless stream of outrages and offenses has numbed the country to him.  But we shouldn't be numb.  He and his Republican enablers are not protecting us, they are attacking our very democracy itself. Trump may indeed be a kind of twisted genius, the genius of propaganda, of "branding", of throwing sand in our eyes.  

I make a heartfelt plea to my conservative friends - I used to be a conservative myself until I was driven out of the movement by the corruption, cruelty, racism, greed, and now the treason - please wake up, please pay attention to actual news and get out of the rabbit holes of propaganda news feeds.  Please turn against this astonishingly corrupt and venal man - you are better than him. Only you can save the country from him.  

(By the way, just as a reminder, Trump takes his orders from Putin. He is about to meet Putin with no other Americans present.  He needs his marching orders from Putin as things get tough for him. Watch what he does after meeting with Putin)

We liberals and never-Trumpers aren't listened to.  The fate of democracy in this country is in your hands. Impeach the bastard.