Sunday, February 23, 2025


 Trump always looked to me like a parody imitation of Mussolini with his jutting chin and pompous posturing…well…

Mussolini - died April 28, 1945

Trump - born June 24, 1946

If the orange menace actually is a quick reincarnation of Mussolini, he didn’t seem to learn anything between lifetimes. Mussolini was executed and hung upside down along with other fascists in public display. And, by the way, he was subservient to the bigger monster, Hitler. 

So, is the orange one Mussolini redux?  Thinking he just won’t make any mistakes of weakness this time? I don’t predict a happy future for this wanna be king. I do not expect he will trigger a war and be killed in retribution. I expect his attempted autocratic takeover and destruction of American democracy will fail. 

He thinks he was elected king of America.  America has something to say about that.