Thursday, March 14, 2024

The continuing attempt at Revolution

 For those who didn't know - Liberal Thom Hartman is hearing Republican plans to overturn the election results in November and install the mentally ill Donald Trump in the White House and capture the country.

After the November election results, the plan is to have the House of Representatives elect Trump and install Theocracy and Oligarchy.  How?

The Speaker of the House will refuse to certify enough Democratically elected Congresspeople ("irregularities").  Then the Speaker of the House will refuse to accept Electoral College Certificates from selected states ("irregularities").  

Then, golly gee, there aren't the needed 270 elctoral college votes to elect a president!  What to do? What to do?  Oh yes...

Then he applies the 12th amendment, where each state gets one vote to elect the president of the United States - viola! More states are Republican and the Republicans vote for the Republican candidate, who lost the real election but wins the 12th amendment phony baloney election. 


Say goodbye to:

  • Future presidential elections
  • The Rule of Law in America
  • All abortions
  • All birth control
  • Any and all opposition to Putin's Russia conquest of Europe
  • Gay marriage, gay relationships in public
  • Black and brown voting
  • Social Security
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Environmental regulations and protections
  • Financial regulations and protections
  • Anti-monopoly and anti-trust laws
  • Clean air
  • Clean water
  • Government support of green energy
  • Public transportation
  • Affirmative action
  • Unions
  • Public Schools
  • Public lands
  • Pubic parks
  • etc.
The Republican Party has been seized by an extremist Theocratic and Oligarchic revolutionary movement.  They have been planning their revolution since the fall of the Confederacy, or at least since the FDR New Deal, or at least since the Civil Rights Movement and Women's Empowerment Movement.  

This is the White-Christian-Rich-Men-Take-Over-Just-Like-They're-Supposed-To Revolution.

Trump is just their battering ram.  He is the most easily manipulated person I have ever seen - money, praise, blackmail, etc.  He will sell out America for anything that he thinks benefits Donald Trump, he is incapable of thinking of anything other than himself. Other than destroying the rule of law, helping Putin, and being king for life, he doesn’t give a crap about the other agendas on the above list. He'll just sit in the White House in his poopy diapers watching TV that praises him and feel smugly vindicated.  

And, oh yes, he will destroy everyone who criticized him - all the judges that tried him, all the prosecutors that prosecuted him, all the witnesses who testified against him, all newspapers and magazines that opposed him, all media that doesn't spew the propaganda lies of the revolutionary tyrants, anyone who captures his attention that he wants to hurt.  

He will get very rich, and his "friends" will get very rich - with no Rule of Law, who can stop them?

Welcome to the Putinization of America - if these fanatics succeed in their revolution. 

But I believe in the goodness of America.  I believe we will stop this abomination.  But please understand that these folks are very serious.