Sunday, July 30, 2023


 “We” went to the moon. The first astronauts on the moon reported that when they went around the world people of all countries talked about how “we” went to the moon. Certainly, it was NASA, American scientists and engineers and astronauts who went to the moon. But the real story was recognized by everyone - we, the human race, went to the moon. We opened up to creative exploration beyond previous imagination. 

In the same way, “We” built the bomb.  Certainly, it was Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project scientists and engineers that built the bomb.  But the real story is that we, the human race, built a weapon that can destroy the human race. We opened up to destruction beyond previous imagination. (The Oppenheimer movie is excellent, showing the complex ambiguity of Oppenheimer and some of the scientists involved - it’s the last thirty seconds of the movie that punched me in the gut)

Also, “We” have created Artificial Intelligence.  Certainly, it was/is scientists around the world doing this.  But the real story is that we, the human race, have created an intellectual power beyond previous imagination.  And the very scientists that created it are giving us terrified warnings that AI could destroy the human race. And, it can achieve great things for the human race. (The James Olmos TV series Battlestar Glactica is a great series and explores this complexity)

“We” need to develop something now that may be beyond our imagination. We need to develop wisdom, maturity, caring, non-dogmatic spiritual connections with nature, with the Divine Oneness, with our humanity, with each other. 

Or “We” are toast.