Monday, July 3, 2023

The snowball of bigotry only gets bigger if you let it roll downhill

 Today the White Christian Nationslist Supreme Court has sanctioned homophobic bigotry in the name of “religious freedom” by granting a person not to make a website for a gay marriage since since they see gay marriage as opposed by their religion. Really?

Golly, what else is opposed by their White Christian Nationalist religion.?  Jewish bar mitzvahs?  Birthdays of Down Syndrome children?  Serving “inferior” races?

Is it against their White Christian Nationalist religion to serve black and brown people?  We know that these types of “Christians” used the Bible to justify their slavery, didn’t they?  And I have no doubt they used their twist of the Bible to justify the Jim Crow laws of the south prior to being forced to end them by the Voting Rights laws and other laws of the Civil Rights Movement. Well, they ended the Jim Crow laws but it seems they have not abandoned them. Those laws are alive and ill in the hearts of White Christian Nationalists today, and they are charging full speed ahead to establish Jim Crow America.

Here is a helpful sign from the past to help us see the future they are aiming for:

Civilized people need to stop this snowball of bigotry now, because if we let it roll downhill it will only get bigger, and then bigger, and then bigger. All in the name of “Religious Freedom”, in the name of purifying and cleansing the country of the many “filths” they see from their pulpits and pews. First - reproductive freedom of women and couples - now gay marriage - next…..

We need to stop this. We can see where it’s going.