Sunday, April 2, 2023

Roy Cohn - Joe McCarthy - the Former Guy

Roy Cohn first prosecuted the Rosenbergs for espionage.  Then he was the prosecuting attorney behind McCarthyism. Then he was the mentor to The Former Guy.  

Roy Cohn taught The Former Guy three rules:

1. Never surrender
2. Always counterattack
3.  Always declare victory, no matter the outcome 

These three rules have been the very foundation of The Former Guy’s life.  He has lived a life of financial and personal fraud and crime, and he has “gotten away with it”. That is, he has stayed out of prison and became “successful “ - meaning he got rich, or was seen to be rich at least, and he became president of the United States. 

For one term. 


Roy Cohn’s life of vicious hatred and intimidation was deeply etched on the mask of menace and threat that replaced his face.  And he openly defied all law.  And he “got away with it.”  Until he didn’t.  He died a broken and crushed man, legally, morally, career wise, and physically, died of aids. 

Roy Cohn got away with it, until he didn’t. 

Just like The Former Guy is about to. His time has come, and All the King’s Horses and All The King’s Men Are Not Going to Put the orange Humpty Dumpty  Back Together Again.