Sunday, June 19, 2022

The real Russian war

 The Russian war in Ukraine is not a Russian war against Ukraine. It is the Russian war in Ukraine against the West. It is the Russian war against democracy. Putin’s Russia is an autocracy. Putin promotes autocracy around the world from Ukraine to Hungary to the United States (helping Trump and the Putin Wing of the Party formerly known as the Republican Party).

The Putin Wing of the “Republican Party” has already voted against military aid to Ukraine, and the most influential voice in the Right Wing disinformation bubble, Tucker Carson, openly opposed opposing Putin’s invasion. 

If Putin, and/or the Putin Autocrats if he dies, are able to feel they have won in Ukraine then all of the former Soviet crushed countries will be crushed again. 

If you have no other reason to vote for Democrats in 2022 and 2024 please vote to save democracy in Ukraine, in the Baltic States, in the world, and in America. Because the Putin Wing in the party that used to be known as the Republican Party is a party wholly committed to the end of democracy and the permanent, violent enforcement of autocratic rule.