Monday, May 16, 2022

There will be no consequences

 A young racist killer attacked and killed 10 people in the grocery store in Buffalo New York. 8 were black. His motivation was responding to the outlandish and false and cancerously toxic “ideology” called the Great Replacement Conspiracy. This vile charge is leveled against Jews who supposedly are trying to replace white supremacists from power with docile brown skinned voters being controlled by “socialists”.

Tucker Carlson leads the Fox News assault on truth and decency with multiple fear mongerings about this nonsense, but it is picked up by Republicans across the Right Wing Echo Chamber.  And violent white supremacists kill as a result. 

There will be no consequences. Tucker’s audience will grow. He will make more money. He will continue his march toward the White House. White Supremacist groups will continue their efforts to turn America into Jim Crow America. 

They will fail. Because America has said no to these folks before (ending slavery and ending the Jim Crow South). And America will slap them down again. 

But their rampage of violence is not going to end soon. Where are the consequences?