Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Musk to put Trump back on Twitter?

I am not a big fan of Elon Musk.  He has done some amazing things to address climate change with his Tesla vehicles and batteries.  The fossil fuel industry is not going to reform itself, it needs to be shrunken by competition, and good for Musk for building a "better mousetrap".

But I soured on him when he re-opened this California auto plant at the height of the pandemic, resulting in over 400 cases of COVID.  And his reputation for abusing women and employees in his companies is long in the making.

But, good grief, he is buying Twitter and right wing extremists are frothing at the bit, and he has just announced that he will open Twitter back up to Trump, under the rubric of free speech.  But the first thing to know about the 1st Amendment right to free speech is that there is no right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.  And Trump's only mode of communication is yelling "Fire!" in crowded theaters.  

Trump was banned from Twitter because of his relentless lying about his loss to Biden.  It is the Big Lie.  It kills people and it kills democracy in this country.  Trump used Twitter to call for the insurrectionists to go to DC to try to overturn the election.  He uses every communication tool he can to convince his cult that the election was stolen from him, and millions believe him, amazingly.

Free speech does not protect calls to violence, or organizing coups, or targeting political and personal enemies for attack and violence by your cult followers.

Our democracy is under assault by violent and unprincipled followers of their autocratic leader - Trump, and Trump wannabees.  Do not give modern Hitlers, Goebbels, and Himmlers access to platforms like Twitter, please.