Monday, January 31, 2022

Trump admits he lost the election

The guy who lost the 2020 presidential election just admitted that he lost.  He was denouncing Congress's bi-partisan efforts to clarify the Electoral Count Act of 1887 so that it is indisputable that a Vice President cannot overturn the election results.  And he made the following incriminating statement:
"Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn't exercise that power, he could have overturned the Election!"
Repeat - "...he could have overturned the election!".  !!!!!!  Meaning, the Former Guy knew he lost the election and wanted his Vice President to "overturn the election!". 
To clarify further, the Former Guy knows that The Big Lie is a lie, just an amazingly stupid and preposterous thing that he made up - that the election was stolen. 
To clarify a bit more - he is planning to claim the election in 2024, that he loses, will be "stolen", and he will demand that the Republican States throw out the actual vote count of the 2024 election and send Trump electors to D.C. to actually steal the election.  And, lo and behold, many Republican Legislatures have already set up systems and laws to do just that.  Disgusting.
Because, that is how autocrats, fascists, tyrants do things. And make no mistake, the Former Guy is not a Republican; the Former Guy is an autocrat-fascist who has long admired and copied autocrats such as Putin, Erdogan, MBS, Orbon, etc. etc. etc.   Indeed, I have long believed he has been following advice and orders from Putin throughout his presidency and perhaps to this date.