Friday, November 19, 2021

Rittenhouse verdict

The jury has spoken and young Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty of murder of two men.  I guess they decided it was self defense.  I wasn't at the trial and I suppose that once he was in a violent situation he got scared and killed folks. And that was the defense ... But he put himself there.  
I have not been following the trial much at all, other than a few things.  First, the judge seemed to be pretty anti-prosecution lawyers.  So, OK.  I doubt that the trial will be thrown out.  
But, what I really noticed were the photos of this white kid with an assault weapon slung over his shoulder and finger on the trigger guard.  In the middle of a chaotic night.  And ignored by the police at the scene.  What?  

 As has been said by many others, imagine if this had been a 17 year old black kid who came across state lines walking down a chaotic street with that weapon.  What would have been his chances of surviving the reactions of the police that night?  How about no chance in hell?