Saturday, November 13, 2021

Republican fascist death threats

 We are living in a time of the violent rise of fascism. Republican Liz Cheney has had her life threatened because she voted to impeach the Former Guy. The thirteen Republicans who voted for the needed infrastructure bill have been under death threats. It is a lie to say that there are extremist equivalents on both the Left and the Right. There are extremists who are inflexible and didactic on the left. But They did not violently try to overthrow the government. They do not run the Democratic Party. They are not issuing death threats to centrist Democrats. 

Liz Cheney- “ We now live in a country where members' votes are are affected because they're worried about their security, they're worried about threats on their lives.”

It has been said that if you wonder what you would have done in Germany in the early thirties, you don’t have to wonder. It is what we are doing now. Pretending it’s not so bad? Ignoring as much as you can and just smell the flowers? Hoping it will just go away? Vote for them anyway because you want tax breaks and deregulation? Shine an exposing light on the horrors trying to rally opposition?  Using as much political, spiritual, and metaphysical energy as you can to bring forth the Light to create a decent, inspiring world?  

Fascist threats of violence are here. Now.  This is unAmerican and unacceptable.  Let’s shine a Light and be a Light