Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Russian Cyber warfare

 After reading the book "This is How They Tell Me the World Ends" I wrote that Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are all at war with America - cyberwar.  And we do not have superiority in fighting this war.  Our missiles, aircraft carriers, bombers, tanks, etc. - all marvelous improvements for future WWII type conflicts do not protect us from Cyber attacks.  

Russia has struck America with a cyber attack by shutting down the biggest gasoline pipeline in our country, run by Colonial Pipeline.  Russia invaded America's infrastructure about a year ago and are into our electric grid, power plants, nuclear power plants, Pentagon, Media organizations, etc. etc. with an attack labeled "Solar Winds".  If they can shut down a pipeline, couldn't they blow up a chemical plant? or a refinery? or a nuclear power plant?

We have identified the attack from a Russian Cybercrime outfit using an attack called DarkSide.  Is there any doubt that Putin and the Russian government are not part of this attack?  

By the way, isn't Putin Trump's good friend?  Didn't Trump eliminate the National Cybersecurity Coordinator position in 2018?  And didn't Trump purge the Homeland Security Cyber Division in 2019?  And didn't he fire the National Cybersecurity Director in 2020?  Isn't it pretty obvious he did this at the command of his master, Vladimir Putin?  Doesn't the deliberate weakening of America's cyber defenses open us up to Russian control?  Isn't Putin a very happy man to have such a dupe under his control in the former president?  

We are very vulnerable, as this attack on our gas distribution shows us.  It would be so nice if the Trump Cult came to the realization that their political god is on the side of America's enemies.  Maybe they can have an awakening while waiting in long lines to get gas.