Sunday, May 9, 2021

Greed and Bigotry

After the 2020 election I predicted that the Republican Party was on the path to splitting and disappearing, just like the Whigs did in the mid-1800s.  We are watching that now as Lynn Cheney, third ranking Republican in the House of Representatives, insists on telling the obvious truth that Trump lost the election to Biden and it was not stolen from him.  This is seen as heresy to the Trump Cult and they are in the process of stripping her of her position.  Trump is winning the first round of the Republican Party battle, and almost all elected Republicans find that they have little choice but to agree to the Big Stupid Lie that the election was stolen.  

If Trump represented some form of conservative ideology in opposition to orthodox Republican ideology this battle wouldn't be just an exercise in insanity, but there has never been any kind of Trump ideology, just a collection of moments of tweeting, off the cuff improvisations, and cruelties that the Trump Cult took as some kind of revelation from their demented god that must be swallowed whole and regurgitated ad nauseum into the right wing media fantasy bubble.

The only cohesion in the Trump mind is greed and bigotry.  Toss in endless cruelty and a total ignorance of what trade deficits mean, and that pretty much summarizes Trump and the Trump Cult.

So, will there be a split-off party from the Republican Party?  It looks like Trump sees no reason to start a third party since he clearly owns the Republican Party.

Will the not-insane-Trump-Cult-Republicans start a third party?  They would know that it could not win much since splinter parties never do, but some principled folks may do so out of their own sense of self respect and hope to plant the seed for the future on the pretty good bet that the Trump Cult Republican Party is doomed to more and more ignominious and disgraceful failure.

A party based on Greed and Bigotry is just a repeat of the oldest sin in American history, which just never seems to go away, the sin of White Supremacy - manifest as the slave owning South, and as the catastrophic Confederacy led Civil War, and as the Jim Crow terrors in the South, and as impassioned opposition to Women's Suffrage (they couldn't let "negro" women vote since that would "be the end of White Supremacy" as intoned by a Mississippi Senator at the time), and as the appalling voter suppression and gerrymandering by Republican White Supremacists across many states today.

I am betting that a political party based on greed (for the super-wealthy) and bigotry (for all beer bellied flag waving troglodytes) is not a party that has a long history in this country - the country based upon the glorious visions of Jefferson and Lincoln - a country destined to be like a "shining city on a hill" as expressed by President Reagan during his time.

It is hard to watch the depths the that the Republican Party, which I once belonged to, is sinking to, but I guess that is what is needed to finally kill off the cruel, racist, polluting, misogynistic, party of ignorance, greed and bigotry.  I just hope they are thwarted in their dedication to harm as much of the environment and as many human beings as they can before they become just sad footnote in future history books.