Saturday, March 13, 2021

Reaganism is dead, Trump killed it

The basic idea of Reaganism was "government is not the solution; government is the problem."  The financial crisis of 2008 proved that wrong (deregulation of banking almost destroyed the world economy) but it wasn't until the idiotic Trump presidency that the wrongness of a destroyed government became obvious - without a government led attack on COVID-19 the pandemic killed over half a million Americans and ravages the world.  

If Obama had still been president in 2017, or if Hillary had been, the Federal Government would have very likely moved into a warlike footing against the virus with the Defense Authorization Act being used to flood the country with effective PPE, virus testing advancements, and quick response vaccine research, distribution, and implementation.  The only thing Trump did right was spend Federal Government funds on Operation Warpspeed to develop vaccines (contrary to basic Reaganism idea of shackling of the government) but he failed to follow up with distribution and implementation.  Hard to find things more damaging than obsolete dogma.

So, the country turned its suffering eyes to Biden, who promised and is implementing an active, effective Federal Government led response to the pandemic, to child povery, to racial inequality, to the many things that only government can do and which private industry is incapable of doing.  I have mentioned often that we need both capitalism (private industry innovation and drive) and socialism (government boundaries for safety, scienetific research, economic policy direction, economic safety net, public benefits via public spending).

Perhaps Reaganism was vital to overcome the Stagflation of the '70s and defeat Soviet communism, but today is very different from 40 years ago. Reaganism is totally incapable of solving the thee greatest crises of today - the Pandemic, Climate Change, and crippling economic inequality.  These require the Federal Government.

Reagan changed politics 40 years ago (I voted for him twice).  He limited goverment and boosted business.

Now the country wants to change again, to meet today's world - a competent, expertize driven government to deal with today's world.

Maybe we should thank the astonishingly ignorant and incompetent Former Guy in the White House - he gutting the government of expertise, science, diplomacy, money, and purpose.  The result was the Pandemic raging while the Former Guy tweeted about what a wonderful job HE was doing, and tweeting about how much he hated Libs.

America is on a new path.  Excellent.