Friday, March 5, 2021

I was wrong about welfare

It turns out that welfare to the poor actually gives them a hand up. It’s not just a handout.  It helps people find and do work rather than incentivizes not working.  Reagan was wrong.  I was wrong when I was in my Republican years.

Stockton CA just did an experiment where they gave $500 per month to the poor. It made a huge difference in their lives, including the ability to find employment.  Annie Lowery of the Atlantic wrote an article -  “Stockton’s Basic-Income Experiment Pays Off”.

From the article:

“ More work, less destitution, more family stability, less strained social networks, less stress, fewer incidences of homelessness, fewer skipped meals: This is what welfare could give the country.

Andrew Lang’s idea of a Universal Basic Income May be the best thing to do after all.  Especially in the coming world of ever increasing career obsolescence as a result of technology.  

America has been lost in obsolete dogmas long enough. Time to rethink. Follow the data.