Saturday, May 30, 2020

We need transformative purges

The cold blooded murder of George Floyd by racist police officers has sparked protests, and eventually riots, across the nation. 

Riots are the natural expression of the powerless. Most of the protest is legal, and some is just criminal, so by all means prosecute the criminals.  BUT, don't try to dismiss these actions as anything other than the rage of the powerless who see, time and time and time and time and time again, police killing unarmed and helpless black men. 

How are blacks supposed to respond?  Peacefully?  How about Colin Kaepernick?  He lost his job for protesting peacefully.

When star football players took a knee prior to a football game to protest police killings of unarmed black men, the racist reaction was vicious.  They changed the story from an attempt to call attention to a terrible injustice to a story of blacks disrespecting the flag and the military who gave their lives for the freedoms that the flag represents.  Their protest had nothing to do with disrespecting the flag and had nothing to do with disrespecting the military. It was calling attention to a system that allowed police to kill blacks with little consequence.

It is time for a transformative purge of police departments across America.  I am encouraged that so many police chiefs are outraged by the actions of the killers of George Floyd.  And I hope that many police departments have already made good strides in cleaning up their act.

But, I have no doubt that every officer in every police department knows exactly who the racist and violent officers are.  And, I have no doubt that every police chief knows that same information.  My deepest wish is that every police department uses this event as permission to cleanse themselves of these poisons. 

It is time for a transformative purge of racist and violent officers from every police and sheriff department in the country.

If a police chief isn't sure who the bad cops are, you can be sure the black and brown residents who suffer from them do know.  Just ask.....