Friday, May 22, 2020

Is Trump trying to kill his cult?

The president has just demanded that churches open up "right now".  I guess he thinks that is what his evangelical cult followers want, so he thinks this is going to boost his ratings.  And, of course, the only thing (other than money) that he cares about is his ratings.

Of course, we know that if you ignore social distancing and ignore sheltering in place you dramatically increase the spread of the virus.  But, maybe he is actually too dense to accept that obvious fact.

So, he seems to be on a campaign to get his evangelical followers, his Fox News followers, his white supremacist followers killed off.  Very strange.

And, of course, the spread will go well beyond his cult and increase the spread of the virus geometrically to all of us.

There hasn't  been a more blatant example of the damage that an out of control ego can do since WWI and WWII.  This is really hard  to believe.